Chapter 8 - Carentan

Start from the beginning

The next thing Jack knew and felt was the force of the Sergeants body colliding against his, and the both of them slammed into the shallow ditch along the side of the road.

Just in time too, because the machine gun in the second story building rattled to life, and a hail of deadly fire ripped into the men on the road. Easily dropping a few while those who were quick enough to react dived into the ditch for cover, seeking refuge.

"Jesus Sarge, you just saved my ass!" Jack yelled over the rising ambience of gun fire that began to fill their hearing.

"That's what I'm here for sir, to save the Lieutenant's ass from death!" He replied laughing before some dirt got kicked up in front of them were a few bullets fell short.

Which interrupted their banter and got Jack focused back on the task at hand, "We need to get moving, pop some smoke damn it! Then wait for the smoke before moving!" Jack shouted out, giving everyone a initiative to follow.

One of the Corporal's pulled the pin on his smoke grenade and threw it far up the road, and there was a loud pop as the smoke began to flow from the canister and billow out into a huge cloud.

"Squad Sergeants, get your men up there and engage the enemy, push them into the town and start your task with securing the town!" Jack yelled as the intense gun fire began to make his ears ring.

The smokescreen was now billowing into a blinding cloud that covered the road and provided a temporary cover for the platoon to hide behind.

"Remember to watch for Easy Company! They're pushing from the south with a tank column in support!" Jack added as he stood up and waved everyone forward before he ran forward himself.

Others then quickly followed after Jack, hot on his heels as the platoon split up to go left and right as they ran like bats out of hell through the spraying machine gun fire.

To the Germans, these demon like warriors came running out of the smoke cloud and into a hail of fire that unfazed them, and hence said they looked terrifying as they ran through that deadly hail.

"Fix bayonets!" Someone yelled from across the street and soon enough, the calls of "Fix bayonets!" Was echoing throughout the platoon as the squads were beginning their push into the town.

Jack's heart began to race even faster from the already pumping adrenaline that coursed through his veins as he took cover behind the safety of a building. They couldn't advance down the street due to a second machine gun nest that had this section covered in a kill zone.

But his mind was more worried about the weight and mere meaning of what he has to order his men to do next, "Alright fellas, fix bayonets and prepare for close quarters combat!" Jack called out to the squad that followed him in the charge to the safety of the buildings.

He watched the men next to him remove their bayonets from the covers and secure them to the end of their rifles. There's a ring design that fix over the barrel of the weapon, thus creating a hand held spear if the need arises.

The exception was Jack and a few others who were support gunners, armed with Thompsons or Bars even.

"Sergeant Jackson, we got to start moving into the town and we'll cut through this house in order to do so." Jack said as he came over to say that into the ear of his Sergeant, that way he could be clearly heard over the deafening noise of gun fire that has the town of Carentan alight in it.

"Sounds good to me sir, I'll take point and lead us in!" Jackson replied as he stood next to the door and everyone stacked up next to him on both sides, including Jack.

With this safer means of entering the town, the troops pushed into the building and they cleared out the first story of the house.

"Krauts in the open!" Someone yelled out before everyone rushed to find cover in what apparently looked like a store with a large open display window that looked out into the street.

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