Then he harshly dragged her up right to the corner of the room to prevent anyone from seeing them. The vampire also turned off the lights. Rys did not know the reason why. Then the vampire faced her soon after. His eyes were bright blue, contrasting the darkness, just like before. Rys tried to look for an escape, but his body was in front of her. Was he really going to kill her?

          "What do you want with me?" she asked, "Am I not here for detention?" The girl tried to act calm, pretending to not know anything. Being taller than her, he lowered his body until his gorgeous face was just directly right in front of hers. She tried to stop her cheeks from blushing, but the blush still happened.

          He smirked. "You."

          Their face were so close; her heart almost exploded. She tried to get her wits back, retreating her face a little for some comfortable distance.

          She stuttered, "I get that we're mates, but I thought you wanted to kill me." Wow, what a stupid statement by her. She was trembling and was feeling awkward by that response of his.

          That earned a chuckle from him. Wrong move, Rys. He walked closer to her, invading her personal space again, as he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling Rys closer to him. "Do not be such an idiot, Miss Flirst, or rather Rys—" Her heart was racing so bad.

          "— I love you so much."

         His blue eyes flashed red. "So so much that I want to fucking kill you right now." His grip on her waist instantly tighten. It made her yelp in pain... Her green eyes widened when Rys realized that Mr. Cross was about to swoop in for the kill.

          No; no!

          So desperate, she pressed her lips to his.

          His wide bloody-red eyes returned back to blue as the young man was stunned by the unexpected action. He stood there, looking at the girl. The girl still had her pink lips on his. She was also looking up at him too. Obviously perplexed with what she was doing. The couple, of course, felt the tingles, electrocuting the two with pleasurable and addicting sensation.

          How come does this kiss feels nice? He had kissed lots of beautiful women before her, but this was the most pleasurable thing he had felt ever in his life. Hearing the loud beating of his heart, he snapped out of the unwanted daze and pushed her off him.

          He bared his fangs at her. "What the hell!"

          He could still hear the beating of his heart. It made him more annoyed than ever. It's this fucking mate bond's fault. It was making him experience this—

          Pleasure, a voice said inside his mind.

          He quickly shook that stupid inner voice away. Rys wiped her lips, trying to erase off the kiss contact she had idiotically initiated. Okay, she'll admit it. Though she did not do much lip movements there, his lips was okay? It's soft. Though cold, it is soft.

          So that is how a vampire's lips feels like.

          Okay, crap! Before she dives deeper to that thought, she had to appease the raging vampire in front of her. He's mad. So mad at her right now. He was baring his fangs at her and was about to kill her again when she stopped him by raising out a hand.

          "Wait! Could you let me speak first?!" Rys yelled at him, desperate not to be sucked out of her body. His eyes were now red. Thankfully, he stopped; but it was obvious that his intentions to kill is still there. Let her speak first? Mr. Cross scoffed. But then he gave a thought on it again. Well he's going to kill her anyways. Might as well, let her speak her final words.

          "You're lucky that I feel bad for you," he muttered, returning back to his normal human appearance. He stood up again, fixing the wrinkles of his shirt. Hearing that, she sighed in relief.

          "Thank you," she breathed out.

          "Well, all I want to say that I have a solution for all of this. Look. You do not like me as a mate. And of course, I don't like you as a mate too. I am just going to propose a deal. I can break these damn bonds if you are just going to promise me that you won't hurt me nor kill me," Rys said, quite happy that she was able to say to him that she doesn't like him back too.

         Mr. Cross narrowed his eyes, hiding the fact that he felt like as though hot lava was being thrown to him when she said that she didn't like him too. To feign that he was unaffected by it, he faked a smirk. "A solution? How does that exactly work? Maybe you're just lying to me." Blue eyes flashed red as a warning. "If I find out you're spitting out some lies, you wouldn't like to hear what I'm going to do to you, Rys."

          He said her first name...

          Rys nervously chuckled. "I'm not lying. Anyways, promise me that you won't kill me." Rys thought that it would be difficult to get a yes as an answer, but he rolled his eyes and threw off a nod to her direction. She's happy. Though she wasn't certain with what's she going to do. If this exactly is going to work.

          Well here goes nothing. Staring directly to his deep blue eyes, she spoke those words out, "I, Rys Flirst, reject you as my mate." Though the phrase sounded so weird— this was serious and dangerous to use. But Mr. Cross was not aware of that.

          Rys was not aware of that too.

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