Filler Chapter: Fathers day!!!

Start from the beginning

By the time we were done with the song we were already finished with the kitchen and the dining room. It was around 8:30 am already and we were getting hungry. So we stopped and ate.

"Hey Haru, do you think dad will like it?" I asked with a bit of food in my mouth.

"Of course y/n. He's gonna feel bad we did all this but he'll definitely love it." She gave me a smile and we finished our meal. We picked up our plates and continued with cleaning. By the time we were completely finished it was 10:00. And we were kind of tired from the work we did today and took a nap.

{small time skip, for the cute little kids taking a nap~}

"Hey y/n, get up. We gotta go shopping for groceries. What do you think we should make?"

"Pasta~" I said with a small smile. It was my favorite food and easy to make. Plus we don't have a lot of money so it'll be perfect to make.

"Haha okay, we'll make pasta. Any specific kind?"

"Fettuccini with chicken!!!"

"Okay. You know sometimes I wonder if I'm the older one."

"Ha ha very funny, Haruhi. I'm only a "child" when it comes to food and when I'm at home."

"Very true. Well let's get ready to head out." Off to the supermarket we go. Yes, we walked all the way, but it isn't that far really. All we needed was chicken breast to cut up, some sauce, and garlic bread. On our way home we  saw a dog getting hurt by some boys at the park.

"Hey! Leave that dog alone! It didn't do anything to you!!!" I yelled. Thankfully I distracted them long enough for the dog to get away. When they noticed, they got angry and walked towards Haruhi and I.

"Hey stupid girl! What'd you do that for!" He yelled in my face.

"You shouldn't be hurting an animal if it didn't do anything to you!" I yelled right back at him. Nobody is gonna hurt anyone or anything on my watch.

"Oh yeah, and what are you gonna do if do? You're just a girl, you can't do anything!"

I was starting to get really annoyed. I wanted to hit him right in that mean face of his. Next thing I knew he was on the ground, holding his nose. I hadn't even realized that I was moving, it just happened. So I took advantage of the situation and put on a more confident face.

"That is what I'll do. So you all better stop." With that Haruhi walked home since it was getting late. It was almost 7:00 so we hurried home and had a snack before starting dinner. We made sure to boil the water while we ate so we didn't have to wait to long to put the noodles in. I put the garlic bread in the microwave so that it'd be warn and toasty. Haruhi cut up the chicken breast and put it in the pan to cook. After a short while we put in the sauce and checked the noodles.

"Okay y/n. You remember how to check if the noodles are done?"

I nodded and got one out. I threw it to the wall and it stuck. Then I got another and ate it to make sure it was perfect. It was ready so I grabbed the pot and went to the colander to drain the water. Now we just decorate the plate with the food and set the table.

By the time we were done it was 8:25, dad will be home in 35 minutes.
"Hey we should get cleaned up before dad gets home. Come on let's go take a bath." I grabbed Haruhi and made our way to the bath. We was each other's back and hair, dried off and went to change into our pj's. We heard the door open and ran to the door.

"Happy Father's Day dad!!!" Haruhi and I said.

"Oh girls! Thank you so much! Come here and give your dad a hug. I've had a long day so this is perfect." He opened his arms and we went to him.

"Thank you dad. I know you work very hard to support y/n and I. This was the least we could do for you." She hugged him tighter and I smiled at the sight. Out of all my lives, I had never seen a bond between a Father and Daughter so strong before. I really am great full to have been picked up by this family.


Happy Fathers Day everyone!!! I hope you all spent time with your dads and father figures! If you don't have those then I'll be your "dad" for the rest of the day if you'd like! That's all for now pups!!!
And I'll see you later~

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