Chapter 16

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Me: Hey pups, so a lot of people wanted a tragic, and I forgot to ask for who. So I asked my sister and she said Sebastian so yeah. Just to be clear there will be no relationship between you and Sebastian that is more than you're-like-family kind of thing. Sorry, I know Sebastian is a hot demon who we all wouldn't mind giving our soul to if we could get to hug him, but not here ladies and gentlemen. Now thank you all for patiently waiting-

Ciel: Oh just get on with the bloody story already! They've been waiting for at least a week or more!

Sebby: Young master, I don't think that was the best way to approach Ms. Wolf. Now if you will my lady please continue.

Me: Of course! I do not own any of these characters, not even you! So please enjoy!

Sebastian's pov

Dear Sebastian,
I'm sorry but this is goodbye. I should have told you this sooner but, I was afraid. I wanted you to see me the way I was before, not the way I am now. As the one who always smiled and laughed just so that those around her would as well. Remember the woman you fell in love with, who at first was shy but as we got closer became more open. As the one who could finally take a breath when you were around, all because you took all of my problems away, even if you didn't know it. You are such an amazing person and the nicest demon I probably would have ever met. Sadly I came down with a terrible illness that not even the best doctors could fix. I had hoped to get to see you, but it was to much of a risk. No one was sure if this illness was contagious so I wasn't aloud to go anywhere. By the time you get this, I'll most likely be close to or already am dead. Goodbye my love, I have and always will love you.

As I read those words I felt my heart, that I didn't even know I had, break into thousands of pieces. My love, my one and only, gone and I never even knew.

Y/N pov

I was walking along the streets of London when I could feel something bad was going to or had gone wrong. I followed my instinct and decide to go look for what ever or whoever this bad thing happened to. After a few hours I felt as if some force was pulling me and went with it. It led me to a man sitting next to a tree with papers in his hand, and tears down his face.

"Um hello? Sir are you alright?" I knew he wasn't but I wanted to be kind, not bubble bursting. He looked at me and didn't say anything. After a while he sighed, got up and left.

Dang after I wanted to help him to.

Sebastian pov~
I know I wanted someone to help, but was it going to be this girl. I looked at her from a far. I could tell she wasn't completely human but I couldn't tell what the other half was. For all I know she could already know the problem and didn't say anything about it. I let out another sigh and walked off. I'll probably "bump" into her later.

(Sorry) time skip!!!
Your POV

I was walking the streets of London, like I do time to time, and I could tell someone or something had been watching me when I went out.

*sigh* "I know you're there, so please come out. I won't hurt you or anything." I turned to see who it was. It was that guy from before, I do hope he is doing alright. "Hey I remember you, how have you been..."

"Sebastian Michaelis. I've been fine thank you."

"You know, despite me not knowing you, you shouldn't lie about how you feel." I was looking at him from the side and could tell he was surprised I could tell. He must be good at hiding his true feelings.

Haruhi's sister (OHSHC) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz