Chapter one

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So this is a story about you who is Haruhi's adoptive sister. You also go to ouran, and are smart like Haruhi. Now on with the story!!
"Hey dad, can we take her?" I heard another little girl ask. I had been here for as long as I could remember and have never been taken. So what had made that day so different? Well that little girl who was the same age as me, was pointing at me. She came up to me, smiling.

"Hi I'm Haruhi! What's your name?" She said holding out her hand.

I looked up waiting to hear a scream, but nothing happened. She just stood there, smiling at me, holding out her hand.

"That's pretty! Do you want to be my new sister?" She asked, as if it was an everyday thing, when to me it was the most foreign thing ever to be heard.
"Y-you, you aren't scared of me?"

"Why would I be scared?" she asked totally confused.

"Well I have red eyes, black hair, and white skin."

She put her hand to her chin, as if to think about it. "So? What's so scary about that? I think you're pretty... so do you want to be my sister?" she said holding out her hand again.

"Sure." I grab her hand, smiling for the first time in, well forever.

Well how was it? I literally wrote this at some restaurant waiting for my food.
And I'll see you all later pups!

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