Chapter 13

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OMG YOU GUYS!! YOU ACTUALLY LIKE THIS!! It kinda makes me want to cry. Anyway I thought about giving this story a sort of romance without all the cute fluffy stuffy things that come with it. So here is my way of romance!!

"So Ame, what did you mean by me being the one?" I had decide to take Ame to a table for just us two. This way I got any needed information.

"Well I'm pretty sure you know I'm not fully human already so I am going to ask you a few questions. First, do you know anything of your ancestors, before you that is?"

"Well now that I think about it. No I don't, is that a problem?"

"Not exactly. You see although you are reincarnated, there must always be a beginning. It was so long ago that I am not surprised you don't remember. Anyway long story short you are a princess from a world not seen by humans. To humans you are a goddess, the one who had given a place where they could always be safe. But in reality you had given that place to us. Those who were rejected from society. Even now we live in the world you have created."
Even after hearing all of that I had a few question still unanswered.

"Well even knowing that where do you and I come to play?"

"Well I was hoping that you would want to come back with me and enjoy being around those just like you. As for me, well you and I are, well, together." Right as he said that I got some sort of memorie.

"Hey Y/N! Wait up, you're going to fast!"

"Oh come on Ame! You need to speed up. Why don't you just change into wolf and catch up!" I said looking back at him. He may have been a few months older but I was still faster.

"Fine!" And so he did. Once done he started getting faster and up to my speed. You would think a half wolf would be faster than a half god even in human form. You see my father is the god of war,Yato, and my mother was human, Hiyori.

(haven't finished the anime so I do not know what there relationship will be!!)

We came to a stop when we saw the most amazing view anyone could ever see.

"Wow Ame! This is so pretty!!" I yelled in amazement.

"Yeah I know...hey Y/N? Promise we'll be together forever?"

"Ofcourse! It's me and you against the world. When we get older you and I will get married and stay together forever!" I said smiling at him.


}flashback over{

"Oh man. I just remembered! I knew there was something missing but I didn't think it would have been a person!" I said looking at him.

"That's great! Now that you remember I want to know if you'll come back with me?" Right when he said that everything just stopped.

"Wait come back? You mean right now?" I said not really wanting to leave.

"Well if you do not wish to go we can wait till you are done with high school."

"Well it's not just that I don't want to leave now, but there are people here that would probably die if I left. You see I take care of a gang here in the human world and without me they would most likely fall to their knees ,if someone tried to take over, in defeat. I mean yes they are strong but without a strong leader they are nothing but children not following the rules. Now I am terribly sorry but I cannot go back with you." all of this was said with confidence in what I told to him. "You must know that I decline ,not only for myself, but for others."

"Yes I do. Which is why I am not angry with your decision, a little disappointed yes, but not angry. As long as you are happy, so am I. I have one request though. Will I be allowed to come visit and take you out on a date."

"Ofcour- wait a date? Well considering that you and I are together I do not see why I would say no. So next time I see you we will go on a date." That was all I said before I started walking off to the others, but not before I heard a little "yes!" being whispered by Ame.

Haruhi's sister (OHSHC) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang