Chapter 30: Awwww!!!

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{8 months later}

Roxy's P.O.V

"Ok you should be due October 10 Roxy. Now get enough sleep and take your medication everyday until the 10th," Dr. Bryce said.

I nod my head and walked out of her office with Wyatt by my side. 7 months ago, ever since Wyatt came and talked to me we've been hanging out just as friends. Its been really great and soon we'll have two children. He's been taking care of me really well. He always buys me stuff even if I don't need it.

But then the thing that shocked me was he made me move into his house because there was a lot of space and extra rooms. But I didn't sell my house.

When we got there he helped me out the car and we went inside. I was tired so I went in the guest room Wyatt said I can sleep in and fell asleep. 3 hours later I woke up hungry. I got up went to the kitchen and got out some pizza. I heated it up in the microwave. When it was done I put it on a plate and went up to Wyatt's room. I cracked the door open a little to see Wyatt still asleep.

I walk downstairs and went into the living room to watch tv. I searched through the channels and came across my favorite movie Titanic. I love how Jack is so caring towards Rose. But it makes me cry because Rose can never be with Jack because he freezes to death. I swear this movie is just like me and Wyatt except for the freezes the death part. We can never be together.

"Roxy are you okay? I heard you crying." I turned around to see Wyatt leaning on the wall. He came over to me and wiped the tears I didn't know I even had. "I'm okay its just this movie is so sad and it makes me cry."

"Its okay. Don't cry." He rubbed my hair and I laid my head on his shoulder. I snuggled close to him and finished watching the movie. I can tell the movie was getting to him because I heard him sniffing back the tears. About 2 hours later I fell asleep. And I felt myself being carried. I open one eye to see Wyatt carrying me into the room I was sleeping in.

I laid me down carefully on the bed and covered me up. I felt him kiss my forehead and I smiled to myself. When I woke up in the morning I was so happy. One because my babies would be born soon. And two I get to hold them. Its only 2 days til I give birth to them and I'm so excited. I hopped out of bed and went to the kitchen to see Wyatt making breakfast.

"Good morning," I said

He turns around and smiled widely at me" good morning to you too. Why are you so happy?"

I shook my head" nothing in two days I'll be giving birth. That's all." He smiled again and turned back around to finish cooking breakfast. When he was done he set a plate in front of me and he sat done with his plate. I started eating and when I was done I put the plate in the sink and got my phone out my pocket.

I saw I had one message from Marley it read:

Marley: I better be the Godmother and congratulations.

I smiled at her text and replied back.

Me: You are, don't worry. I got that covered :•)

I went upstairs and took a shower. When I got out I put on some yoga pants and a big shirt. I felt a small pain in my stomach. Since it was a small pain I just let it pass. I went into the living room to see Wyatt watching a video of him and Bryson as kids.

"Hey Wyatt what you doing?" I ask.

"Nothing, just looking at old videos of my family."

"Oh. You have a really big family. I wish a had a big family." I said looking down.

I walk into the kitchen and took out the milk and some cereal. I felt a huge pain in my stomach and suddenly I peed on myself. I looked at the floor and saw that it was just water. Wait! Water? Oh my gosh, my water just broke.

Wyatt said something but then he stopped when he saw me looking down at the water on the floor. He quickly rushed over to me and held my hand while leading me to his car. He sat me in the back seat, started the car and drove as fast as he can to the hospital. And I'm surprised he didn't get pulled over yet.

5 minutes later he rushes me quickly inside and the doctor let me sit in a wheelchair. We quickly head inside the room and I get seated on the patient bed.

"Now Roxy the baby is almost here ok. So I will need yoyu to start pushing soon." The doctor said.

"But my doctor said the babies won't be due til the 12th," I said breathing heavily.

"Well their coming early so you better start pushing. When I say three okay. One.... Two....Three."


{2 hours later}

"Roxy, she looks just like you and she is so cute. Where is Paris." Marley said.

"Thank you, and Wyatt walked around the hospital so he can put her to sleep" I said.

I put London in her bed and went to the bathroom. When I came out Wyatt was standing over London and Paris looking at them." Their beautiful aren't they?"

"Yes," he turned around and looked at me" they look just like their mother," he said.

"So when did the doctor say you can go home?"

"Um she said at the end of this week but she said if I have any more pains then I need to stay an extra day."

"Oh" is all he managed to say then he asked me the weirdest question ever. I was so shocked I had nothing to say.

"Roxy can we get back together!?"

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