Chapter 24: I'M WHAT!!!!!!

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Roxy's P.O.V

All week I've been having the best time ever with Wyatt. He took me to the movies, and it was so fun. Then when we came home and made love to me. It felt so good to be loved in a special kind of way. This morning I woke up and felt like being generous and cooked breakfast. When I was almost done Wyatt woke up and wrapped his arms around my waits from behind me.

"This smells so good. You should cook more often," Wyatt says.

I just smiled and kiss him on the lips. When the food is done I put it on a plate and sit at the table. Wyatt sits next to me and we started eating. When were done, I wash the dished while Wyatt takes a shower. While I wash washing the dishes I felt weird. Something was coming up my throat, so I ran to the other bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

"Are you okay Roxy?" I didn't even know Wyatt was standing in the doorway until I saw him with a towel wrapped around his waist. Water dripping from his chest.

"Yea, I'm fine. I probably ate something bad."I said unsure and flushed the toilet. I walk into my room sit on my bed, and get on my phone. Wyatt comes and sits on the bed and gives me a worried look." What?"

"I'm just worried about you ok. Are you sure your okay?"

"Wyatt I'm fine okay. Stop worrying about me." I crawl to him and sat on his lap." I promise you there is nothing wrong with me."I give him a kiss on the lips and he returns the kiss. He picks me up bridal style and throws me on the bed. I start laughing as he lays over top of me kissing me. Then he walks over to the dresser and puts on some boxers.

I laid down and Wyatt came and wrapped his arms around my waist cuddling close to me. He rubbed circles on my side which felt amazing, and soon enough I fell asleep.

Three house later I woke up and ran to the bathroom. I threw up in the toilet, but this time it was more. As I flush he toilet I see Wyatt standing in the doorway shaking his head." I know something is up Roxy. Just tell me what's wrong with you," he says with hurt in his eyes.

I sit on the toilet seat and cover my face with my hands. "Wyatt to be honest I don't really know. I've been sick before, but not like this."

"Well do you think you might be preg-." I cut him off.

"Wyatt I'm not ok. I know we talked about children but I'm not ready to be a mother just yet." I rush into my room and turn on the tv. Wyatt comes in and sits next to me. He wraps his arms around me and gives me kisses on my shoulder.

He lifts up my chin with his finger and makes me look at him. "Look I'm sorry I said that. Its just whenever your sick you don't throw up. So when you did I just assumed you were and I'm sorry." He gives me an apologetic kiss on my forehead and I return the kiss. "Its ok Wyatt you were just worried about me."

For the rest of the night we sat in bed and watched tv. I cooked dinner and we ate chocolate cake afterwards. Then I took a shower with him. After I got out the shower I put on Wyatt's t-shirts and laid in bed with him. I almost fell asleep when I left a huge pain in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom as quick as I could and threw up.

The more I threw up the more the pain came. Maybe Wyatt was right. Maybe I am pregnant. I know we wanted kids but this is too soon. I flush the toilet and went back in the room and see Wyatt still sleep. I slowly got back on bed and snuggle close to him."you should just take the test Roxy. Just to make sure." Wyatt says.

I give a big deep breath and sigh" I know I'll go to the doctors tomorrow and check." Wyatt rubs circles around my back and fall asleep at his touch.

(The next day)

The next day I wake up and go to the doctors office while Wyatt visits Marley and Bryson. When I get there my doctor, Dr. Boyce checked my blood and told me to pee on a stick. I was uncomfortable at first but then I got use to it. When I was done she took the stick from me and walked out the room. I waited 5 minutes for her to come back.

She came back in the room with a big smile on her face. She took a look on her computer before turning towards me. "So I looked at your test. Would you like to know the results?"


"Congratulations Roxy. Your a week pregnant with twins."

I start feeling tears go down my cheeks and wipe them away. "Thank you Dr. I'm so happy." As soon as I left the doctors office I called Wyatt. I tried to stop crying but I couldn't. I was happy and upset at the same time. When he picked up I didn't speak at first until he said something." Hey babe, what did the doctor say?

I don't what know happened but I just lost it. I broke down and started crying. I just let all the tears come and come. When I finally had the courage to speak I calmed down and told him.

"I'm pregnant."

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