Chapter 20: At The Hospital

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Wyatt's P.O.V

I woke up with white lights flashing in my face. My head was aching and they're was blood on my hands. But it wasn't my blood. I look around and see Roxy laying on a bed with all kinds of tubes hooked up to her. I run up to her and grab her hands. She looks pale and there is blood coming from her side. Her hands are so cold, when their usually warm.

The doctor comes in the room and pushes me out the door. "What are you doing I need to see if she's ok," I yell.

"Sir please be quiet your in a hospital. You can not be in there while were still doing some test."

"Ok well can you just tell me what's wrong with her please?" I say calmly.

"She's in a coma and the metal from the truck stabbed her in her side. The cut is pretty deep so she's gonna need to get stitched up. But we don't know how long she'll be in the coma. So please wait in the waiting room while we check," the doctor says and walks back in the room.

I call Marley, Bryson and my parents and tell them what happened. 10 minutes later they walk through the door and come to my side. I stand up and Marley gives me a long embrace."she's gonna be okay Wyatt don't worry. She can't leave us just yet," she starts to cry.

"Calm down man. She's gonna be all right. She loves you too much to ever leave you behind. And I know that for sure." Bryson says. We wait almost a whole hour until the doctor comes out.

"The family of Roxy Capwell," the doctor calls and we all stand up and rush to her.

"Roxy is ok, we stitched her up. We also did some tests and we found out that she'll be in a coma for 9 months. I'm very sorry sir. You can go in there and see her, but only 2 at a time."Marley grabs my arms and wipes her tears away. We walk in and she starts to cry again. Seeing Roxy hooked up to all those tubs and pale makes me sick to my stomach.

I can't picture me being without her for 9 months, that's just way to long and I just got her back. I hate not being able to laugh or talk to her for 9 months. My heart aches knowing I can't make love to her the way I want to and the way she likes it.

I grab her hand and hold it. She's so cold, but she's never cold. She always warm and bright. I touch her cheek and its even colder. I let a soft tear run down my cheek just looking at her. Marley comes to my side and rub my back as she wipes my tears away.

"Please don't she's worth my tears. I have no strength left in me seeing her like this. It breaks my heart. I just got her back and I'm already loosing her."

"Oh Wyatt, you're not gonna lose her. You guys have such a bright future together.  She told me you guys were planning on having a children. Just don't give up, whisper in her ear. I'm sure she'll love to hear your voice." She gives me a little hug before going out the door.

"Roxy I know you can't hear but please wake up. I love you and I can't live without you. If you would have died I don't know what I would do. I wouldn't even forgive my self. Babe please come back to me. I love you and will always love you. I need you in my life. You make the pain go away whenever I'm hurt. You bring out the best in me. I'm begging you please wake up. Your the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want us to have a future. I love you.  If you can hear me. Wake up." I kiss her on the forehead and leave out.

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