Chapter 26:Break up!!!!!

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Roxy's P.O.V

All week Wyatt has been ignoring my calls. I mean I don't blame him, I said some things I shouldn't have said. I've been trying to cal him this weekend because I have an ultrasound tomorrow and I want him to be there. I've apologized so many times, and I don't know what to do any more. I need him.

I even called Bryson but he said he hasn't seen him lately, and I'm really worried about him. I've been having really bad pains, and I even have a little baby bump forming. I called him at least ten times today but he still won't pick up. So I'll go over to his house and see if he's there. And if he is I'll tell him a bout the ultrasound and maybe he'll come.

I take a quick shower, dry off the put on some jeans and a T-shirt. I grab my keys from the kitchen counter, get in my car and drive to Wyatt's house. 30 minutes later I knock on his door but no one answers. I knock again and he answers the door.

He let's me in and I sit on the couch. He sits on the couch across from me and looks down at his feet."why are you here?"

I just looked at him. He looked so sad and lonely." I just came here to ask you are you coming to the ultrasound tomorrow? I completely understand if you don't want to go, but I would love if you came."

"Ok I'll be there," he said and turned on the tv ignoring that I'm still here.

"Wyatt I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry for the way I treated you. Its just I've been in a lot a pain lately and I've been stressed out. And I really need you to be here with me."

He turned down the tv and just looked at me. " Roxy don't give me bullshit. Your not sorry at all. I tried to be nice to you, I tried to be there. But all you did was push me away. You didn't even want me to touch you. And you kept ignoring and avoiding me. How can I be with someone who doesn't want me around them?"

He looked so hurt. I didn't know what to say. He really did try and all I did was push him away. My eyes were getting watery and a tear rolled down my cheek.

Wyatt got up and opened the door. He looked straight into my eyes and said" get out I'm done with you. I'll be at every ultrasound and when the babies are born I'll be there. But I can't do this anymore. I'm only doing this because I love you and so I won't do something I'll regret later."

I walked out and before I could turn around the door slammed right in my face. I can't believe he broke up with me. So I guess this is the end? This is where all our good memories end? I cried so much. All the tears I had were coming down. I couldn't help myself. I love Wyatt and everything is my fault. I pushed him away. What am I going to do? I can't do this by myself. I need him to help me with this.

What am I going to do without him. I love him. He's the love of my life and I lost him for good.

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