Chapter 34: Lets Make A Treaty

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Wyatt's P.O.V

Roxy was sitting in the living on the floor playing with London and Paris, while I was making lunch. I smiled to myself as I heard their laughter. It was like music to my ears hearing their adorable laugh.

I was almost done when their was a knock at the door. I looked at Roxy and went to the door. I answered it and there stood Owen and Izzy with a baby car seat in her hand.

"Can we speak with Roxy please?" Izzy said.

I nodded and they came in." Roxy someone is here to speak with you."

"Ok who is it?"

"Come see for yourself," I said. She walked out the living room and froze. I went in the living room where London and Paris were still playing with their toys laughing. I played with them until the fell asleep. When they did fall asleep I put them both in their car seat. Roxy, Owen and Izzy sat on the couch and I listened closely to what they had to say.

Roxy's P. O. V

We all sat in the living room. I smiled to my self as I look at my sleeping angles.

"So what do you guys want?" Izzy sets the car seat down and starts talking.

"Well Roxy, Wyatt I just want to say sorry to the both of you. I've been a really big pain in the ass this past year and I want us to get past it and become family again."

"Izzy we've always been family. And to be honest I think we should put all this in the past. We are all adults, not teenagers. 5 years from now I don't want our children acting the same way we acted." I said

"Thanks Roxy this really means a lot to me. And besides I miss you Roxy. If mom and dad were here they wouldn't want us hating each other."she said.

"Yea they wouldn't want that. They would want us to be laughing and having a good time." I said.

"So are we good now?" She ask. And I nod my head, get up and we hug. I look over to see a little boy looking at me.

"Who is his handsome little guy?" I say looking at Izzy's son.

"This is Jaxson my sweet little boy."

"Wow he looks just like Owen."

"Yea he does doesn't he," she says smiling." I guess the guys made up too." I look over and see Owen and Wyatt shaking hands.

"So can I finally meet my nieces?" Izzy ask happily.

We walk over to their car seat and their fast asleep. "This is London and Paris. The bigger one is London and the smaller one is Paris. But be quiet Wyatt just put them to sleep."

She nod her head and we talked and I told her all the stuff she needed to catch up on and everything she missed out on. Then Izzy's son woke up I got to hold him and he was the cutest little thing ever. He just couldn't stop smiling.

After I played and fed him Owen put him to sleep. They soon after went home. Wyatt fed the twins while I cooked dinner. When I finished cooking dinner me and Wyatt ate. After we ate he washed the dishes while I gave the twins a bath. When I was done giving them their bath, I put them in their crib and they both fell asleep.

I went into me and Wyatt's room to see him watching tv. I took off my clothes and out on my night gown and got in bed with him." I'm glad we made a treaty with them, aren't you?" Wyatt ask.

"Yea I am. I'm tired of the fighting and arguing. I want us to be a big happy family."

"We already are a happy family. Good night Roxy sleep tight," he says laying down and turning off the tv.

"Good night Wyatt." I laid down on his chest and fell into a peaceful sleep.

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