5. A day with Daehyun

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Catch me if you can!" I stuck out my tongue, and started running around his bedroom. Psh, you think only guys have fast reflex? Your statement is very invalid.

I shield myself behind the big table in the middle of his room, smiling so big like an idiot. "Just give me back that letter!" He pleaded.

"Let me read it first and I'll give it back to you." I grinned.

He tried again to take the letter from my hand, but he failed. I could tell that he was getting annoyed. Everytime he goes to the left, I go to the right, and vice versa.

"Aish, really." He sneered and suddenly held my arm with the letter tightly, but then I pried it off. I was walking backwards and his foot suddenly locked with mine causing me to fall – to the bed.

I fell on the bed and he fell on top of me. My eyes widened as big as a sauce pan and so did his.

"I'm hoooome!" We heard Yongguk's voice from downstairs.

He stood up immediately and coughed. I stood up as well, feeling so awkward. I suddenly broke the silence, by saying, "I-I'm going downstairs" and left.


"Then why are you holding that girly doll?!" Himchan shrieked.

"I told you before, it's none of your business. And it's not girly!" Youngjae stroked the doll's hair and eyed Himchan annoyingly.

We were eating dinner, as usual, without Daehyun. He didn't come out of his bedroom ever since that fall incident thing. I tried to forget it, but I just can't since it's so memorable. I even forgot to get the letter from his bed.

I suddenly remembered the name 'Kim Bora' from the letter. Since I'm a very curious girl, I decided to ask them who she is.

"Hey guys, do you by any chance knows who Kim Bora is?" I asked.


All of them spat out their drinks. "Wow... okay. I guess you do know about her..." I gave them a weird look.

"H-how did you know that name?" Youngjae's eyes widened.

"I saw it in a letter." I shrugged. "But who is she?" I added. All of them looked away.

"We can't tell you, Minha. We... we can't. Daehyun told us not to. You need to find it out yourself, directly from his mouth." Yongguk said.

I sighed, and said, "Alright."

My phone vibrated and I looked over to see what message I received.

Minha! Hey, you didn't tell me your number! Yongguk oppa told me that you got one, so I decided to text you a message.

I smiled, and continued to read the message.

Let's meet up outside your house! Chanyeol will be there too, probably he'll be there by now. I'm on my way :)

After I read it, I took my plates to the sink and placed it there. I walked towards the front door, wondering if Chanyeol already arrived.

Daehyun's POV

The soup taste great. No, it's like perfect. The best soup I've ever tasted in my whole life. I'm not kidding, but it is.

I didn't meant to say that it was salty, I just don't like to say 'it taste delicious' or something, because I'm not that type of person anymore.

Moving on, when she found that letter from the table, I was shocked. I didn't want her to see it, ever. She might feel upset about it, even though I did not care if she did or not. (What...)

 I didn't go downstairs to eat, because I was still embarrassed about the 'bed' thing. But then I'm hungry, so I went downstairs to eat.

Everyone was there except her. Weird. I wanted to ask the others but then they'll tease me or something. But my stupid heart blurted out everything.

"Where's she?"

"Who's– oh. She's outside." Yongguk said. "Why?"

"Just asking." I shrugged and continued eating. 'What was she doing outside at this time?' thoughts flooded in my mind.

After I finished eating, I decided to go outside from the kitchen door. I didn't want to go from the front, because the others will know why I'm going out for.

I saw two figures standing on the pavement. I squinted my eyes to see better and I saw something unexpected.

They were kissing.

Or that was what I saw from here.


Did you enjoy this chapter? I hope you did! I had to hang the last part, because I'm so evil muahaha >:D Anyways, click the vote button to show your support!

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XOXO, _ohcaptain

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