Harry and Zayn stopped when they saw Abi.

"well is this Abigail Johnson, the girl who Niall never stops talking about?" Zayn asked with a smile on his face.

"yes this is Abigail,Abi this is Zayn and Harry!" I said calmly

"Hi there" Abi said with a smile. We begin walking up to my apartment.

"so what the hell did you boys try doing that you have water guns and you came running down?" i asked curiously.

"Well you see last night Louis didn't help me clean up as you know since you helped me and so Zayn and i decided to wake Louis up in a very peaceful manner" Harry said high-fiving Zayn.

"And well we woke him up and well he started chasing us and cursing and here we are" Zayn said smiling.

"you guys are such idiots" Abi said rolling her eyes

"well that's what you get for wanting to meet Harry Styles and Zayn Malik!" Harry said with a smirk.

We entered into my apartment to find water on the floor,glass all over and well Louis standing in the middle of the living room soaking wet. He glared at us. The ouch was wet since Louis fell asleep on it last night! Thank you Harry and Zayn. Now i will have to take it out for it to dry. I am seriously turning into Liam.

"HARRY EDWARD STYLES AND ZAYN JAVADD MALIK! GET YOU ARSES HERE! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS" Louis screamed as Zayn and Harry ran upstairs and locked themselves in Zayn's room.

"Louis,calm the hell down and stop screaming" Liam said walking down the stairs looking down at his phone.

"Those idiots soaked me" Louis said back.

"That was your fault for not helping yesterday after the mess you left." Liam replied calmly

"i am sorry to disturb this entertaining time of yours but we do have a guest" I told the two boys

They both turned and looked at me and then to Abi and Louis smiled immediately! He loves meeting new people.

"IT'S ABIGAILBEAARRRRR" Louis screamed running over to Abi giving her a hug. I could see the amusement yet fear in her eyes.

"Louis,stop hurting the poor girl! She needs to breathe" Liam said sternly at Louis.Louis let go of Abi.

"sorry bout that Abigail,Hi I'm Liam ! Nice to finally meet you." Liam said with a polite smile.

"Nice to meet you guys. Now I'm hungry ! I want food" Abigail said making Louis and Liam laugh.

She's just like me! We love our food!

*Abigail's POV*

Well that was..something else! Harry kept on staring at me, Zayn kept on teasing Niall about speaking about me all the time and then you have Louis who almost squeezed me i almost stopped breathing and then Liam is the calmest one. He is the one i think who i will go to my problems with other then Niall of course.

I had to ask for some food because firstly i am hungry and i needed to get some thinking time. I have been having these feelings coming back again...for....Niall. Every time he speaks i get that same feeling all over again. I mean i have liked him ever since 7th grade and then when he left i was heart broken and then i stopped getting those feelings,turns out its still here.

I grabbed a glass i found in one the cupboards and took some juice i found in the kitchen. "Making yourself at home i see" Liam said coming into the kitchen.

"yeah,might as well make myself at home since i might be here all day" I replied giving him a smile. I looked at the ground getting that feeling again as i hear Niall laughing at the TV.

"hey,whats wrong Abi? You know you can tell me anything! I wont tell anyone." Liam asked in a concerned voice. Should i tell Liam, i mean maybe but i just met him ?...

" Can i tell you a secret that not even Niall knows" I asked him. Liam just nodded at me telling me to continue.

" Well ever since i was in about 7th grade i have errmm liked...Niall and well the feelings just came back and i  don't know  what to do. I mean should i tell him, i always have wanted to but the time never seemed right? " I told Liam honestly . He just smiled the biggest smile on his face...What was that about?

"well Abi maybe you should tell him ! It could be a begining of a very beautiful thing. Yo neve rknow unless you try right. And dont worry your secrets safe with me" Liam sais

"what secret?" Niall said and i turned and i saw him standing there,hurt in his eyes.

"Ni--" I began to say but was cut off by Niall " You just met Liam and you tell him a secret but,me being your best friend you don't tell me. I know this might sound stupid but it hurts Abi." Niall said and walked out storming out into this room.

Oh ! Shit! Now what ? i cant tell him now..... Should I ?



so i hope you liked it?

what do you think will happen?

Will she tell Niall?

please comment and vote.

oh and i need a best friend for Abi so if you want to be apart of this please comment. and i will choose one person

Thanks for reading!


update to come tomorrow !


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