(Left to right. Victoria is the first one. Kaylee is the second one. Fae is the third one. Carmen is the fourth one. Tavisha is the last one.)

"Okay! I'm ready!" I say and we all go to the school store. We get there and they look for some dresses. I see that girl that was talking to Takeru yesterday, so I decided to go talk to her.

"Hi! I'm Fae! And you are?" I ask her and she looks at me nervously.

"I'm Yui Kusanagi! Are you a god?" She asks me.

"I mean. Not really. I'm immortal and incredibly strong. But I wouldn't say that I'm a god." I explain.

"Oh! Then how are you immortal? If you don't mind me asking." Yui asks.

"I don't mind. From my world some of us are called Shadow Knights. When you become one you become immortal. I was born a Shadow Knight. Then I'm part witch too. And part of the Jury of Nine. My brother is the leader so. I was born into that. I'm part wolf. And a the co-head leader of the Divine Warriors. So yeah." I explain.

"What are all of those groups? I know what wolves and witches are! but what about the others?" Yui asks.

"The Jury of Nine is what my dad's step-father made. I'm the leader's younger sister. My brother has been the leader since he was 14. I'm supposed to take over if he leaves for a long amount of time or if he dies. The Shadow Knights is a strong group of dark knights that fight for their leader called the Shadow Lord. You don't have a choice to be a Shadow Knight or not. If you go down to the Nether and the Shadow Lord sees you, you're gonna become a Shadow Knight. When my oldest brother was ruling he changed everything. As long you didn't commit a crime in the Nether you're free to go. If you wanted to become a Shadow Knight, you just go down to the Nether and take an oath. I was the head Shadow Knight for my brother. then the Divine Warriors is a group made by the god that me, my family, and friends from my world believe in. I'm cursed so the god that we believe in made me her apprentice. If something bad would happen to her I would take over. They're a group of immortal gods." I explain.

"Wow. Do you have any titles for those groups? All of the gods here and other humans have title for groups that they're in." Yui asks.

"Yes I do for each thing I'm part of, but being a witch I don't have a title for that. My Shadow Knight title is 'Dark Fairy' because my name means 'magical fairy'. My She-Wolf name is 'Fae Princess of Wolves' because my mom is the queen. Then my Irene name is 'Dark Warrior'. Lastly, my least favorite title that my grandpa chose for me is 'Fae the Shadow Sword'." I tell Yui and she smiles.

"Those are very nice names." Yui compliments.

"Thank you. Hey, do you want to help me find my friends dresses for prom?" I ask her and she nods her head. I walk over to the girls and only Victoria and Carmen found dresses.

"Hey girls! This is Yui she's a normal human. Right?" I ask her and she nods her head.

"Hi!" She greets.

"Hi!" Carmen says.

"That's Carmen. She's the granddaughter of the old Shadow Lord, Gene. She's called the Princess of Shadow Knights." I tell Yui and she waves to her and shakes her hand.

"It's very nice to meet you!" Yui says shaking Carmen's hand.

"It's nice to meet you too!" Carmen says. Kaylee walks next to Carmen and puts her arm on Carmen's head since Carmen's kinda short.

"Get your arm off of her! And nice hair." Yui yells and compliments Kaylee.

"It's fine Yui. Those two are cousins. The one with the blue, purple, and pink hair is Kaylee. She's the Shadow of Irene. Well her Dad has the dark power of Irene." I explain.

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