Chapter 10: Presentation

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*Art class*

"I trust that you all did your project considering that all projects are 40% of your final grade," Mr. Waters said as the few people that didn't do the project groaned. "So you will be presenting your projects in the order of your seating chart. So Dylan and Yuri, you're up first".

Nine projects later...

"Now it's...Adam and Zoelina," he read from a paper pronouncing my name wrong. We both got up at the same time.

"Her name is Zoe-lina" Adam said flashing me a grin as the class snickered. Mr. Waters gave Adam a look that said 'watch it'.

"As I was saying, Adam and ZOELINA, present you're project."

"Sure thing" Adam said walking to the front as I walked behind. I held my painting up in front of me.

Adam started to read, "This is not a Picasso," Adam said pointing to my painting. Crap, Why didn't I read the report before we presented.

"A Picasso isn't even a painting really" I held my mouth open, oh my god we're gonna get an F. I snuck a glance at Mr. Water who looked a little shocked with another look. Was it...impressed?

"For a long time, a lot of people have confused a Picasso as a style of painting. Picasso was just a person who drew good paintings and soon it turned into a term as a good painting. So if you want a Picasso, in my opinion this is not a good painting," he said walking back to his seat while the class laughed and I stayed frozen.

We have an F.

All of a sudden, the teacher started to clap. "Great job, this is exactly what I was looking for. And it seems all of you were to lazy to even Google Picasso unlike Zoelina and Adam, A+. You may have a seat," he said nodding to me.

I realized I was still standing in the front and went to my seat.  Did that really just happen? Did we really just get an A? Did he really just call my painting bad? I turned to Adam who had a smirk and was looking at me.

"Guess you didn't think I had an artistic side, did you"

"Was my painting really bad?" I asked suddenly self-conscious.

"No, it’s just that I didn't think that you drew that good and I wrote the report last night," he said sheepishly.

"So guess you didn't think I had an artistic side, did you?" I said impersonating him.

"Guess not," he replied.


Yeah, I know, this chapter is really short. I tried to add in something before but it sucked and it didn't go with my storyline so yeah. RVC!

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