Chapter 32: Give Me Love.

Start from the beginning

I sighed as I closed the bedroom door again and made my way down the hall to our bedroom; the door was open so I just went right in. Now it was time to wake up Phil, he probably knows Arin left. I know they’re trying to keep me from stressing out too much but not telling me things isn’t going to help. I brushed it off quickly. Phil was still fast asleep. I smiled as I walked up to the bed and placed my hand on Phil’s bare arm, rocking him back and forth gently.

“Phil,” I said gently. “-It’s time to get up and meet your baby.” I added softly. Phil’s baby blue eyes opened and he turned over so he was facing me. A smile fell across his face.

“Today’s the day?” He asked groggily. I smiled widely as my heart began to flutter happily. I nodded.

“Yep, today’s the day.” I said proudly. Phil’s smile widened broadly as he sat up on his elbow, the blanket fell down to show his pale chest. I smiled down at him momentarily before leaning down and kissing his lips happily. I was so happy that this day has arrived. I finally get to meet my baby, the little human being that has made me his home for the last thirty-seven weeks.

Phil got up out of the bed and wandered into the bathroom to shower quickly before we leave. I stayed on the bed and the camera was on the tripod.

“Well I guess I’ll upload this later, when he’s born. And you guys are going to love the same we gave him.” I said happily, smiling at the name we’ve given him. I know we decided on James Own but I figured we should add our own twist on it. I shut the camera off and sighed softly at the feeling of him moving around, no movement in details, just movement in general. I got up off the bed and stripped out of my PJs, I changed into a pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt that I got from a Fall Out Boy concert. I kept my hair tied up and out of my face. I honestly couldn’t be bothered with doing much of anything. I’m stuck in a limbo, there’s time for me to do something before we leave but I can’t do anything that needs to be done. It honestly sucks.

Last night I had Phil bring in the suit case so I could repack it, I found the cutest onesies yesterday at Tokyo Toys. I found a pair of Poyomon onesies for the ages of infant-6 months. So that’s his little wardrobe picked out for the hospital. Dan wanted his first outfit to be the little lion onesies he got him. Then the outfit we’re bringing him home in is the Poyomon onesies. I packed a little toy that Kier got him, some diapers and a soother. The boys from Fearless Vampire Killers got him a little steam punk outfit. It was honestly the cutest outfits I’ve ever seen. So I’ve repacked the suit case even though I’m only staying today, tomorrow and then Wednesday. I’d rather have too many clothes than not enough.

I went down the hall. I stopped when I heard Phil singing in the shower, like he usually does. It wasn’t his singing that made me stop and smile but it was the song he was singing.

“Remember make believe in you

All the things I said I'd do

I wouldn't hurt you, like the world did me

Keep you safe, I'd keep you sweet

Everything that I went through, 

I'm grateful you won't have to do

I know that you will have to fall

I can't hide you from it all

But take the best of what I've got

And you know no matter what

Before you walk away, you know you can

Run, run, run, 

Back to my arms, back to my arms

Run, run, run, back to my arms and they will hold you down

Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh 

See, here's the bloody, bloody truth 

You will hurt and you will lose

I've got scars you won't believe

Wear them proudly on my sleeve

I hope you'll have the sense to know

That sadness comes and sadness goes

Love so hard and play life loud

It's the only thing to give a damn about” He was singing the song I wrote for our son. It made a warm and fuzzy feeling fill my insides. I stopped listening to his singing and went down the stairs. My dad and Dan were sitting on the couch watching the Master Chief. They both had a cup of coffee or tea. I walked into the kitchen where Melissa was making some breakfast. She smiled at me. She was already dressed; she wore a pair of dark wash jeans, a black tee shirt with a navy blue hoodie.

“G’morning love.” She twanged with her Leeds accent. I grinned widely and sat down at the dinner table.

“Morning.” I replied tiredly. Melissa came over and set down a plate of eggs, bacon, beans and toast in front of me and the seat she was going to take. She gave me a can of apple juice while she had a latte.

“So are you excited to finally meet your son?” She asked curiously. I took a bite of the scrambled egg on the plate and nodded in agreement.

“I’m more nervous than anything.” I replied softly. Melissa placed her hand over mine and shared a gentle smile with me.

“Don’t be nervous, everything will be okay.” She encouraged in a light tone. I sure hope she’s right about this. I looked over to see Phil coming into the kitchen wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and his Christmas sweater. His hair was a little damp and his face was shaven. He came in and kissed the top of my head before going over to the counter, he made himself a cup of coffee.

“So you’re dad isn’t coming until a little later because he wants to find Arin and drag his ass over to the hospital. That means I’m taking you to the hospital and then when Dan and Melissa come visit they’ll bring your dad and Arin.” Phil told me the game plan for today. I felt the anger bubble in my veins again. I was pissed off with Arin for just getting up and leaving like that. He could’ve waited until after the baby was born and then left. Luckily Phil will be there to do the DNA test and there are only two potential fathers. So it’s either one or the other. I placed the fork on the plate and sighed heavily.

“Y’know I don't care if Arin’s there or not, I’m angry at him for just leaving like that.” I sneered angrily. I knew I was wearing a disgusted expression, I couldn’t help it. Phil sighed as he came over to me; he placed his hand on my shoulder and stared down at me.

“Don’t get too upset, love. It’s his problem not ours. Now we should be going.” He said kindly, his tone was nice and calming. I felt relaxed by it. I inhaled deeply and exhaled, I nodded and got up. I grabbed my hoodie and out the door we went. Phil put the suit case in the backseat and off we were. We’re about to start a new chapter of our lives with a wonderful addition. 

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