"What was her name?" I asked.

"Frigga. The Norse goddess of love and beauty." Balder answered.

"Wow. She just did incest with your dad." I comment.

"Yeah. They soon got married after their affair." Loki said angrily. I looked at him as he stared angrily at the ground.

"Who else?" I asked.

"I have." Tsukito raised his hand and I looked at him surprised.

"Really?" I asked and we all looked at him surprised.

"Yes I have experienced something like what you're going through also." Tsukito says.

"Okay then tells us your story." Apollo says and Tsukito nods his head.

"I fell in love with the Japanese goddess of the sun, Amaterasu. Her and I are I guess what humans would call 'co-workers'. We would have to tell each other when we are going to put the sun up and the moon down. And when we put the sun down and the moon up. I was getting ready to put the moon down and I was waiting for a long amount of time and began to become suspicious. She soon called me over because she thought that I might have an extra magic to help her put the sun down. Because she couldn't find hers. I went over to her place and gave her some of my magic and began to go back until she stopped me and said that I should just stay there to just do my job. So I did and we did our jobs together. I stayed over at her place and we hung out a little bit then when I had to leave she kissed me. I went back the next day and we began to form a romantic relationship and it grew stronger and stronger. I went to her house one day for us to go to Earth for a night time date. When I got to her house she barely opened the door and she said that she wasn't feeling well and had to cancel. Everytime I went back it was the same excuse until I had enough. I finally opened the door completely and saw that she was pregnant. Then a man came in next to her and it was my good friend. Bishamon, Japanese god of war. I felt angered and I broke up with her and I left her home and never went back. Then not much longer after she had her children Bishamon broke her heart and left her. She came to my house to apologize and I denied her and demanded me to leave. Then she said you know what since I broke your heart and Bishamon broke mine and I can't get back to yours. I will kill myself in front of you right now. I told her no and that we both had an important job. She denied and said if nobody will ever love her again she'll kill herself. I said okay let me talk to my brother. They hung out a couple times and he didn't fall in love with her. She was able to have her soul still control the sun after she took her own life. I felt sorry that I didn't fall in love with her again. I don't regret it anymore because I now know that she's with a dead god that has probably fallen in love with her and deserves her." Tsukito explained his story.

"Don't ever blame yourself if someone close to you has died and you couldn't do anything about it." I tell him and he smiles.

"Mine is of a woman that I was still in a relationship with." Apollo said and I motioned him to tell it.

"She was a human. Her name was Cassandra. I met her when I was bringing the sun up for morning. Then after that we fell in love. I soon gave her my divine power so she can prophize our future. She soon took a look into our future and she saw that she would soon take her own life. I tried finding her in her village one day and she wasn't there. I asked her friends and family of where she could be and they didn't even know. I was going crazy looking for her and when I saw her body in a river and saw cuts on her arm. I had an immediate break down. I blamed myself for days and soon convinced myself that I would never find happiness." Apollo explained his story. After hearing al of their stories I soon realized that they've all lost someone that was close to them. For Loki, Tsukito, and Apollo it was lovers. For Balder it was his sister. I looked back over to Laurance's sword and got up and went towards it. He always kept a bandana around the handle. It was the last present from our grandpa Hayden before he died that he kept close to him. I unwrapped it and saw small writing on the part where you can tie it and read it aloud.

"What's that?" Apollo asks. I walk over back to my bed and sat back down and looked at the bandana.

"It was the last present that Laurance got from our grandpa Hayden before he died. It's a bandana." I tell him. Loki grabbed the end that had the writing on it and showed me it.

"Can you read this?" Loki asked me. "I can't. It's in Greek." He reminds me.

"I can read it." Apollo said.

"I can too. I'm Greek. I've learned it from my family." I tell Apollo and he tests me.

"Sti synécheia, diaváste ti eínai stin bantána." Apollo says in Greek.

"Okay. And by the way you said,'Then read what is on the bandana'." I tell him and find the writing on it.

"It says,

Laurance, you are my first great grandson that I've ever had. And I will cherish that. This might be my last gift to you since I am in fact growing older and getting to the point of my death. I wanted you to have this. It's a bandana that I have worn before I became the Lord of Meteli. I was yes very poor and I had to hide my identity to steal resources for my family. I want you to have this for when you need to hide your identity for something bad that you've done. At some point in life give this to Fae. That Cookie will sure as hell miss me a lot when I die and I know that. I have a feeling that you and your younger siblings will be very skilled with your swords. Farewell, Lord Laurance.


Grandpa Hayden." I finished reading and I smiled. I knew that at some point I was going to have this. But I began to question about the "Lord Laurance" part.

"Wow. That was very kind of him to give that to Laurance." Tsukito said.

"Yeah it was." I said looking at the bandana suspiciously.

"What's wrong?" Loki asks me.

"Nothing it's just that Laurance was 9 when grandpa Hayden died. Why would he put down 'Lord Laurance'?" I asked and they all looked confused about the "Lord" part. I ignored it for later and wrapped the bandana around my forehead and grabbed Laurance's sword and put it in another sword holder that I had for an old Shadow Knight sword. I left my room and went outside and sat out there for a while. Then I went back into my bedroom to get changed into something that Carmen's grandpa used to always wear that I liked. I put on a sweatshirt that had the front open and showed my bra. I put on my black sports bra under the cut open sweatshirt and put on my black ripped leggings. I put on my cut open gloves (below). Then I put on the bandana before I put my hoodie up. Then I went outside and hung out in the shadows.

 Then I went outside and hung out in the shadows

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