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Dinner was already done and all of them were tired from the one hour travel to the cavern. It was at the middle of night and all the people were supposed to be asleep.

Marshall woke up after hearing soneone go down from the stairs. He sat up from his bed rubbinh his eyes, to see.

He noticed Gumball's bed was empty and so was Simone's. He then heard them walking downstairs he snuck down from his bed and tiptoed across the floor to the stairs.

He continued to rub his eyes feeling the steps on the stairs, hoping he wouldn't fall.

Meanwhile before Gumball got out the bed. He needed to go to the bathroom, he looked over at Simone who was still awake reading a book with a candle beside her.

"Hey, Simone. " he whispers enough for her to hear.


"Could you point out the bathroom?" He pleads putting his feet on the ground.

"Sure." She says blowing the candle and closed her book.

They went down the stairs, not meaning to turn on the lights because it might wake up her parents.

"The bathroom is over there." Simone pointed at the door by the kitchen.

"Thanks." He says walking towards it, but stopped when he felt someone grabbing his arms, for a minute he thought it was some kind of ghost but it Simone.
"Gumball, I want to ask you something." She says blushing.

Gumball felt anxious, maybe this was what Marshall was talking about. "Yeah?" His words were a little shakey.

She breathes in to calm her self. "Do you like m-" she stops when the lights turned on.

Both her and Gumball stared at the person by the light switch.

"Marshall?" Both says in unison.

Marshall stared at the two off them. Simone's wrapped hands around his arm, he heard the question she was about to ask.

"Of course he doesn't, you bitch!" He yells sprinting out the main door.

Both Simone and Gumball ran after him, they looked around the front lawn but he wasn't there.

"Where is he?" Simone says looking behind the trees.

"Maybe he's over by the forest?" He points at the dark spooky looking forest.

"T-there?" She stuttered. "No! Maybe he's just behind the house."

Gumball noticed that she was scared of going through dark places he didw bother to let him with her."You go ahead and sleep, I'll look for him." He pats her head.

"Y-you sure?"

"Yeah, go ahead." He says shooing her off as he enters the forest.

It was getting dark, good thing the clouds separated revealing the moon as it glisten down the surface making the forest look amazing.

"Marshall?" He yells as he heard the wolf howl. "Marshall how can you stand from this?" He laughs a little.

"Go away Gumball."

"Wow, you actually got my name right this time." He says walking towards a cliff where Marshall was sitting, dangling his foot from it.

"It's not worth it to call you names." He says looking away noticing he was sitting beside him.

"You're acting strange." He says looking at him. "What's the deal with you about me and Simone going out together?"

"She's toying with you?" He says his voice was a little aggressive.

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