Arrest Me

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Phoe brushed his fingers slightly against Fionna's skin as she giggled placing her arms around his neck. His hand traveled to his neck pulling her face close, enough to see how pretty she was. 

Her lips puckered as Phoe touched it with his. Not long when Fionna felt a vibrate in her pocket.

"Just a minute," she let's go grabbing her phone.

Phoenix watch as she answered the call while twirling her beautiful blonde hair in his fingers.

"What?" She said jolting up to stand. "Really?"

"Yeah but I'm with Phoe." She glanced back at him. Phoe threw his questioning hand gestures. "Uh-yeah fine." She says ending the call.

"Who was that?" Phoe asked watching Fionna grab her things on the couch.

"Peebs and Marsh are at the police station." She answered wearing her bunny beanie over her hair.

"Gah! What?"

"Yeah, I know." She says throwing his keys at him."We need to go now."

"Fine, but after this we get back to our business. " he says getting his jacket from the door exiting the room.

Meanwhile, arriving at the police station, the cop lets them sit in a chair by the door. Obviously they were a feet or two appart, unfortunately the chair had to little room for them to be separated that easily.

The cops that rode them there sat infront of them as he watched both off them awkwardly and obviously suffering sitting that way.

"Why don't you two sit like real humans?" He says pointing at the gap between them.

There was no choice, they were in a police station. The fixed the way they sat feeling each other's shoulder.

Gumball was definitely not satisfied.

"Care to tell me what happened?" The man asks but both of them were silent, none would dare to even answer.

"I see how it is?" He ran his hair through his fingers. "This must be one of those cliché normal things teens like you at this age fight about these days?"

"Hmph," Gumball rolled his eyes.

"What's your name, son?" The cop asked Gumball.

"Gumball" he said blankly not looking at anyone.

"Gumball, you must be jealous of this guy?" The man pointed at Marshall. "The girl must be lucky to find two men fighting over her."

"What? That's outrageous! Simone?! She may be smart but that girl doesn't give me even a single beat in my chest." Gumball protested slamming his fist on the table beside him.

Marshall looked at him surprised, before he actually thought that he had something for Simone. Seeing them laugh together, it was enough to make him feel that something was going enough between them.

"You don't?" Marshall asked.

"Of course, you actually thought I liked her?" Gumball says slightly calming down.

"Well yeah."

"Is that why you followed us?" Gumball added looking down.
"Because you liked her..?"

"N-no, I knew somehow she was just using you to also get credit for your work." He answered.

Gumball sighed in relief. "Yeah, I know, but I just wanted to have time to tak to her. In her place I know how it feels to try to take advantage over other people just to get what you want. And I understand  that about her. She's actually a really great person." He smiled.

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