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Gumball walked through the milk aisle stopping infront of the section with low-fat milk. He grabbed an example looking at the nutrition facts. And realised the amount of Calcium was lesser that the other one they had which were just the same one.

"Hey, Marshall!" He says turning to him watching him look soulless at one corner. "Look at this, isn't it odd the Calcium is reducing every month." He say pointing at the box.

"Yeah, milk." He says blankly.

"You're right, but how do they decrease the amount of elemental atomic sized." He adds.

"C'mon you find that interesting?" He pouts.

"Well, maybe the GMO has to do something bout this, you know Genetically Modified Organisms." Gumball reached for another one but fails, because it was too high. "Hey, Marsh could you get that?"

Marshall stared at the highest section and extends one arm not even trying to reach it. " I can't. "

Gumball looked around if people could help them, but turns out the only person in that shop was the register woman.

"Can you lift me?" He asks.

Marshall stared at his blue-purple eyes, and nodded faintly. He was still feeling dumb about saying it.He didn't know if he was rejected or something else. "Yeah, I guess I can."

Marshall went behind wrapping his arms around his waist and lifted him up high. Gumball took the box, and realized it wasn't low-fat. He had to buy the low fat milk because Phoe was more determined to get good looks than grades more likely.

He looked to the left, seeing a brand that looked intersting.
"H-hey Marsh a little to the left."

"Y'know you're really heavy." He said moving to the left.

"Yeah, but it's hard picking a good milk."

"Gum-wad." He murmurs quietly.
"This looks good." Gumball says taking two of them. "Lower me down my knight. " He jokes patting Marshall's head as a signal.

Marshall rolled his eyes, and followed Gumball to the counter.

"Don't worry, I got it covered." He says paying the cashier.

They went out the store heading back to the school area.

"You're being awkwardly nice to me today." Marshall says while swimming the his hands.

"Somehow I need to repay you for Vanessa. " he laughed with a tiny blush bridging over his nose.

Marshall smiled, he didn't really care if Gumball had feelings back for him he was already satisfied that he was already a good friend.

The sun started to rise over the horizon. Marshall was surprised. He looked at his watch noticing it wasn't a false alarm. It was indeed early morning.

Which meant they probably went home at 1 in the morning after the incident last night.

"Did you get any sleep today?" Marshall asked shyly.

"Uh-not really, I tried but I end up thinking about y- a lot of things." He answers another blush on his face.

"Same, too many things was in my head." He looks at Gumball as a smile crept on his face. "Which reminds me. Good luck on your presentation at the exhibit next week." He chuckled patting Gumball's back.

"Thanks, I can't wait." He says fisting his hand."I have planned too much already."

"Well don't get too much stress over you, kay?" Marshall kind of worried about it.

Gumball is persistent and determined, it's ahrd to get him out a situation he is really passionate about.

What if he over works and losses control?

It's either he might fail his dreams or feel completely sick and exhausted.

"I hope I won't. " He smiled as they both entered the main door. "Good thing I have Simone as my partner."

"Ngh!" Marshall nearly collapsed in the hall. "That bitch?"

"Why not? She's smart and can easily take over if I'm exhausted." Gumball added.

"Whatever but if she ruins your thing, it's not my fault." Marshall stuck his nose in the air.

It wasn't long when the time came. A few days that week Gumball sat silently on his chair filling up a few things the teacher told to do for the class.

Then the speaker suddenly cracked, the principal was talking through.

"Reporting Gumball, to please come to the Principals office. Please excuse him."

The teacher nodded and motioned Gumball to go ahead. He grabbed his things and head up to the office.

He knocked on the door when he heard the principal to come in.

He slowly opened the door as he greeted the man.

"I am quite fond of you Mr. Ward." He says pointing at the seat infront of his desk, signaling for him to sit.

"That's really an honour, sir." He answers as he sits.

"And I am also proud to tell you this.."

"What is it sir?"

"Due to your high performance, I think you jusy out ranked Ms. Simone Petrikov. "   He smiles delightfully.

"Wait, you mean sir. That I'm actually the-"

"That's right, Mr. Ward." He reaches for his hand and gave him a proud handshake. "Congratulations, you're the Magnacumlaude for this year."

"Oh my- I don't know what to say!" He says standing up. "Thank you so much!"

"It's not me who did the work, Mr. Ward." He smiles happy to see a student getting their dream.

"But really thank you, sir." He says exiting.


Marshall heard the Principal through the speaker, he was calling Bubbs. He wondered if he got himseld into something.

He decided to meet him by the Principal's office to see what was going on.

It wasn't long when the school bell rang. He exited quickly walking ahead to the office noticing Gumball was already out of the office from afar.

"Hey Bubbs, what was that?" He asks as he got closer.

Gumball smile already reached the sky when he saw Marshall, he ran to him wrapping his arms around his neck.

"I did it, Marsh!" He says hugging him tighter.

Marshall in the other hand didn't hear what he was saying because he was too busy being surprised that Gumball's arms was around him. He felt a little blush on his face and quickly shook it off.

"What did you say?" He asks puzzled.

"I'm at the top of the rank, Marsh!" He shouted nearly popping Marshall's ear drums, but rather than that, he felt so happy for him.

"Woah!" He says placing his arms around him,  hugging him back. "I'm proud of you Bubbs."

"Thanks for everything. " Gumball whispers to his ear.

"I didn't even do anyt-" he laughed but was cut by Gumball shushing him.

"You did so much more." He hugged tighter.

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