Reliving reality in a dream.

Start from the beginning

A hotel room door opens and the three young boys hide behind a cleaning cart, peeking out to watch the man.

"D-Daddy? You weren't suppose to be back yet." A little girl says.

"I come back when I want to." He snaps.

The little girl doesn't let him in just yet, Instead steps out the door.

"Mommy's not here." She says, looking up at the tall man.

He grabs a fist full of her shirt and lifts her off her feet, beginning to yell at her.

My younger self gasps loudly, Dean slapping a hand over my mouth to silence me.

"Who was that.." I mumble.

Maybe now that I'm older I can see if i know the person?

"I told you I wanted those drugs sold kid. Where's my money?!" He yells at the little girl who's gasping for air.

"I-I-I d-don't have it D-Daddy." She says, scratching at his hands.

"Then I guess I'm killing your Brother then huh?"

I gasp. Of course I never caught on to that, I was like 7.

"No! Daddy please!" The girl begs.

Suddenly the whole scene changes. It's no longer us as little kids, but Roman as a Teenager. A 15 year old Roman Reigns. I look around to see were outside. Roman's cutting the lawn outside of His house with ear buds in, softy singing to whatever song was playing.

"Baby, this is gonna be good for us!"

I turn around quickly to see Paige's mother standing there with her arm around a 14 year old Paige.

This is the day we met Paige for the first time. It was a weekend. Dean was Inside cleaning the house as Roman took care of the thins outside. At this point I was at the store with my Mom.

"Look over there, that guy is really cute baby." Her mom says, pointing at Roman.

Roman is oblivious to the fact that Paige and her mom are standing there.

"Mom, stop! I can't date a neighbor." A 14 year old Paige exclaims, rolling her eyes.

"And why not?" Her mother asks.

"Cause that's just wrong mom." Paige groans.

"We can at least meet him! Nothing wrong with that baby!" Her mom yells excitedly.

"Mom No-"

"Excuse me!" Her mom yells.

I chuckle as I watch on. I wasn't around at that moment, so I didn't get to see this. Roman has told us how he met Paige, but its funnier watching it in person.

Roman still continues to now the lawn with his headphones in, not knowig that Paige's Mom is trying tobst his attention.

Her mom frowns. Paige rolls her eyes and bends down, grabbing a stone off the floor. She chucks the stone at Roman, hitting his arm. Roman jumps and looks down at the rock laying on the floor before quickly looking up at Paige and her mother. He turn off the mower and pulls his ear buds out slowly.

"Did you just hit me with a rock?" He asks, clearly confused.

Paige nods "Sure did. My mom her wanted to say hi and you couldn't hear us."

Come Alive (Seth Rollins & Paige)Where stories live. Discover now