Calling For Help

357 8 2

Seth Rollins

Pounding headache. Dizziness. Screaming. Movement.

Open your eyes Seth, come on.

Why can't I open my damn eyes?

"Let me go!"

Who was that?

What the hell happened?

"Paige! Seth!"

Come on Seth, you can do this. Its not that hard.

I try to move my eyes to rub at my eyes, but I can't move them.

More screaming.

Paige? Roman? Who is that?

"Let us go!"

I pry my eyes open and try to look around. Everything's blurry. I can't see straight.

"Seth?! Come on two tones, wake up!"

I'm awake.

I look at that Blurry person, trying to match a voice to a face. I blink a couple times until the blurriness completely disappears. I see Roman, Dean, Jey and Brie.

Where the hell am I?

What the hell is going on?

"Are you okay?!"

I think so..

Why can't I talk?

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.

"What's going on?! Wheres my brother?! Where's Nikki and Paige?!" Jey yells, pulling at the handcuffs that are holding him to a metal bar.

Jimmy, Nikki and Paige aren't here. The door opens, shining light into the dark room. I squint my eyes, trying to adjust to the sudden light.

Its Peter.

Where the hell is Paige?!

"I've got something to tell you guys" He says as he makes his way down the stairs.

"Where's my Brother?!'' Jey yells right away.

Jimmy is Jeys Twin. They share a bond like no other. Protect each other. I can only imagine how Jeys feeling right now with not knowing if Jimmy's here or even okay.

"Shut up for a second, jeez." Peter says, waving his hand in the air.

"Don't talk to my cousin like that" Roman snaps.

"God, Shut Up" He groans.

"Just tell us where you have them" Dean begs.

"I'm not telling you anything. Paige can, herself." He smirks, holding his hand out towards the door.

Come Alive (Seth Rollins & Paige)Where stories live. Discover now