Reliving reality in a dream.

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Seth Rollins

I'm walking threw a dark house. A dark familiar house. I can't see anything but s bright light at the end of the hallway. I go to walk down the hallways until I hear children's laughter. I turn around just when three kids take off running past me, laughing and screaming as they push and shove each other. They don't notice me though, so I follow them. When they run into the room, I freeze. Its not a room though, the hallway leads us outside.

"Sethie, who is that?" One of the little boys asks the other one.

I could recognize that voice anywhere. Its Dean.

I look closer at the kid Dean called 'Sethie' and my eyes go wide.

"I don't know Deano. Ro, who Is that?" My younger self asks, pulling at a younger Roman's shirt.

He shakes his head "I don't know."

"Let's go check it out yeah?" Dean asks, jumping up and down excitedly.

"No no no." My little self says, shaking my head.

I Remember this day clearly. This isn't one of those unrealistic dreams. No, this all really happened before.

"Come on Sethie, don't be a baby." Dean says, rolling his eyes.

"I want to go! I'll hold you hand Lil Bro." Roman says, extending his hand out to the other kid.

My younger self hesitantly grabs ahold of Romans Hand.

"Let's go." Roman says.

"Don't do it.." I mumble to the three idiotic kids there happens to be us.

They take off running and I follow behind them, right on the kids tails. Jeez we were fast.

Dean slowly walks behind the taller man, trying not to be noticed. Little Roman and Seth follow behind him.

I wish I could tell them not to go. To turn around and go back to playing in the house like they were doing. But even if they could hear me, they wouldn't listen.

They follow him to a hotel and inside, slipping past the lady sitting at the front desk since there so small. Roman is the bigger one out of the three of them.

"Dean, please." My young self begs.

"Its okay Seth. I won't let anyone hurt you ever and that's a promise."

I smile at the promise young Dean just made to my younger self. He made damn sure he kept that promise to me. Even now that he's 17 and I'm 16.

I look up to see the three kids have disappeared. I curse under my breath and think for a little bit. I run down the hallway and rub up the stairs, remembering where they were going. I find them trailing behind the man who surprisingly still hasn't noticed them.

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