Talking out the problems

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Seth Rollins

I had Nikki drop me off right away, as soon as we got to Davenport.

I just want my girlfriend.

Called Dean, who rode with Jimmy, Jey and Brie, and asked him to come over when I talk to Roman and Paige. He hesitantly agreed.

Seth: are you almost here?

Paige: yeah, just dropped Corey off now. What's going on?

Seth: need to talk to you both.. Hope you don't mind, I have Deano here.

Paige: that's fine.

Seth: See you soon Princess.

Paige:See ya soon. I'm about to pull up.

"You told her.. Didn't you?" I ask Dean, who's awkwardly standing by the door.

"I couldn't just not tell her Seth. I'm sorry."

"Its alright. She had a right to know."

I look down, out the window when I see Paige's car pull up. She turns the car off and get out slowly, running a hand threw her hair. Roman gets out next, rubbing his eyes harshly.

They head inside and I sit on the window seal to wait.

Once the bedroom door opens, they go silent.

"Hey Dean." Roman says, smiling at the Ohioan.

"Hey Ro. Hey Paige." Dean greets.
"Hey Deano." Paige says.

"What did you want to talk about Two tones?" Roman asks me.

"Well, who do you both want to start with? You or Paige?" I ask.

"Your making it seem like I did something wrong." Paige says.

"No, you didn't."

"Then start with me." She says.

"Okay." I nod "I know Dean told you about what he heard in the car. I was drunk, it was a mistake. I love you. I want you."

She nods "we all have our drunken lesson's. Have you learned not to drink?"

I nod.

"Give me some time. I'm not breaking up with you, I just need time." She says.

I nod again.


"Now what's the problem with me?" Roman asks.

"Oute alofa ia oe." I say. "What does that mean Roman?"

Paige's attention turns to Roman. Enzo told me she was searching for it at the library. She couldn't find out what something meant. He found the Samoan sentence and translated in English.

"Seth, what are you doing?" Roman mumbles.

"I know you told Paige that. Enzo called me and told me she was looking up the language in the library. He couldn't get ahold of Paige, she he called me." I say.

"What does it mean?" Paige asks me.

"Ask Roman."

"Romeo, what does it mean?" She asks.

Roman stays quiet.

I chuckle humorlessly and pull out my phone. I send the Samoan sentence to Jey and call him.

"Uce, how did you know that?" Jey asks as I put him on speaker.

"Jey, tell me what that means. In English please." I ask.

"It means 'I Love You'. Why?" Jey asks.

"Roman told Paige that a couple days ago and wouldn't tell her what it meant." I say.

"Shit." Jey mumbles.

So Jey knew about Roman living my girlfriend to?

"Alright, thanks Jey, talk to you later."

And with that I hang up.

"You... You love me?" Paige asks, voice coming out hushed.

Roman drops his head, and doesn't say nothing.

He's caught.

"Seth, you didn't have to put him on blast like that. You could have waited and talked to him when he was alone." Dean says.

"Why? He's in love with my Girlfriend." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Okay? People don't pick and choose who they fall in love with Seth. Its not his fault." Dean says trying to defend the Samoan.

"Yeah, he could have told me though!" I exclaim.

"He was scared! That's why he said it in his language!" Dean yells.

"We don't keep secrets from each other!" I yell back.

"He would have told you guys when he was ready!"

"Well, its out in the open now!"

"Enough!" Paige yells. "Roman, you could have told me. In English. I wouldn't have put you down for it, we could have gotten threw it together."

Roman still doesn't say anything.

"Talk Rome." I say.

"What do you want me to say? Okay, its true, I love Paige! I didn't say anything because I didn't want to hurt you Seth. I kept it a secret because your my little brother! I didn't want to hurt you.." He admits, tears falling down his face.

Dean comes over and wraps His arms around Roman.

'I didn't want to hurt you.'

"Roman.. I'm sorry." I say, looking at him.

"Its okay. I'm sorry I fell in love with her.. I didn't mean to.." Roman mumbles.

"Its not your fault Romeo." Paige says.

"I'm so sorry.."

The anger I had towards Roman turned into sadness.

Dean was right. You don't pick and choose who you fall in love with.. Its not his fault.

Were gonna help him get threw this.

I won't let Roman fall. I won't let it happen.

As much as Roman thinks he's in lobe with Paige, I know I certain girl who makes him fall over his own two feet.

I'm gonna help you Roman, if its the last thing I do. You deserve to be happy to.

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