Dare Devil Dive.

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"You're not getting away from us this time Paige. Your little friends got a lot of us in some serious trouble Kiddo." He says, smiling darkly at me as I back away slowly.

"I didn't do anything wrong." I say.

I feel my foot slip but I catch myself before actually falling off the edge.

"Just come with me and this will all go away. Nobody has to get hurt Paige." He says.

I hear faint yelling and my name being called. I look down and see Seth, Dean, Corey, Jimmy and Jey, and Nikki and Brie. No Roman.

And I smile.

"I'd rather die then join you guys." I snap.

"I can make that happen." He shrugs.

I look down to see how far I'll fall and how long it would take for me to hit the ground.

I inhale a deep breath, letting it out slowly. I let myself fall backwards off the cliff.

My heart is racing as I begin to fall. I let out a ear piercing scream and screw my eyes shut, getting ready for the impact. But it doesn't come.

I feel something grab me and my body jerk forward. I grab ahold of whatever grabbed me and hold on tightly, digging my nails into it. I hear a low growl and my eyes snap open. I look up to see see Roman looking down at me with a small smile as his hair blows in the wind.

I'm lost. "Are you fucking flying? Are you an angel? No way, I would be going to hell. Am I dead?!"

He chuckles slightly "Your very well alive. I'm technically flying Sunshine. Dare Devil Dive."

Dare Devil Dive?

Just then I see the harness he has on and the cord holding him up. He's on a ride.

"What the hell.." I mumble. "How did you know I was gonna jump?"

I hear the people who are running the ride, yelling for someone to stop it as we swing back and forth. His grip doesn't loosen and neither does mine.

He sighs ''I didn't. I planned for me to already be swinging back and forth and telling you to jump. You went to jump right as they dropped me. It was pure luck Sunshine."

"Well thank god for your timing Romeo. You are my personal Superman now." I chuckle.

He chuckles ''I always have been."

The swinging slowly comes to a stop as the workers come running up to us. My heart is still racing at the near death experience.

"Ma'am are you okay?" One asks me as he tries to get me out of Romans hold.


"Don't take her from me." Roman hisses as they begin to un strap his harness.

I look up to see everyone running towards us.

Thank God for Roman Reigns Great timing.


We decided to call it a day after the incident. Were currently heading back to Davenport now. Roman is sleeping in the passenger side with a tight hold onto my hand as Corey has his head peaking forward to talk to me.

"I owe this teenager my life." He says out of nowhere.

I glance at the peaceful sleeping Samoan that sits next to me. "Why is that?"

He sighs ''He saved you. Who would have known that you would have jumped at the time you did. He was there to catch you."

I chuckle lightly ''yeah. That's true."

Then out of nowhere, I get smacked on the back of my head.
"Ow! What the hell Corey?!" I yell.

"Why would you jump in the first place?!"

"Yeah yeah yeah." I say waving my hand in the air.

"Im serious mouse. What would I do without you?!" He yells, once again.

"I didn't want to die in the hands of whoever that was. I'd rather Die on my own terms." I shrug.

I hear my phone ring and I try to pull my hand out of Roman's, but fail miserably.

"Can you get that Corey?"

He reaches forward and grabs my phone "Text from Seth."

"Read it."

"We gotta talk when you get home. You can leave after and stay with Roman, I don't care. But I need you both to come and talk to me. After you drop your brother off of course." He reads.

I sigh and nod ''Tell him okay."

This is gonna be great.

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