Chapter 08: FrienDate.

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Yeah, don't kill me, I've put it in Liv's POV. 


An idea? What kind of idea? "And what would that be, Mr Adams?"

"Don't call me Mr Adams! It makes me sound old!" Charlie replies, running his hand through his hair, messing it up in the process.

A sudden thought occurred to me. I didn't know anything about my room-mate, like his birthday or how old he is. "How old are you?"

His face changed to a frown to a smile. "That is going to be answered if you accept my invitation on going on a date with me."

My heart stopped. He wanted to go... on a date... with me? But he knew I was kind of going out with Chad. But are Chad and I dating? He never really asked. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and Charlie must have read my expression.

"Not a romantic one, Olivia. I didn't word it properly. A date, but where we get to know each other more. I mean, I don't know anything about you, and I could be sharing a room with a psychopath." He laughs.

I chuckle a bit, trying to gather my thoughts. A weird feeling passes through me. Relief? No, it wasn't that. Curiousity? No, wasn't that either. Was it disappointment? Probably. But why would I be disappointed for? It's not like I was hoping for a date.

"We could stay in, if you like." Charlie says, pacing a bit. "I know you're kinda with Chad."

"I'd love to." I reply, leaning on the bench, putting my weight on my elbows.

"Great! I felt like an idiot for a sec. We can call it a Friendate!' He smiles.

"Great." I say, looking at Charlie as he sits on the stool chair, opposite of me.

"So I was thinking, we can grab some take out, then watch a movie. I have a couple in my bag-"

"As long as there isn't any romantic tragedies, I'm up for any movie!"

"I hate those movies! Especially Titanic!"

"Same! I show respect for the disaster, but I hate how they use romance in it!"

He laughs, pointing at me. His brown curls bouncing as he laughs. "Somebody finally understands!"

I laugh, feeling more comfortable around him. I couldn't help but smile as his laugh fills the room. It was mesmerizing. "What kind of take-out would you like?"

My head racked for something I felt like. Pizza sounded good, but I also felt like Chinese. I directed my gaze onto Charlie, his eyes waiting in anticipation. "Whatever you like."

"That doesn't help, Olive." He chuckles, his mouth smirking.

"What other nicknames could you possibly have for me?" I frown.

"Well we have established Oliver and Adele, also Olive. I guess we'll have to wait and see." He smiles again.

I push him gently, chuckling at his immaturity. "You can just call me Liv, you know?"

"I'm gonna stick to Olive."

"Okay, all this talk about olives is making me hungry. What would you like?" I ask, and as if on cue, my tummy rumbles.

"I'm thinking pizza."

"Sounds good - I'll have one with pepperoni." I tell, grabbing some money from my purse.

"Put it away, Olive, my shout." He says, dialling a number.

"No!" I say, placing the money on the bench, sliding it towards him.

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