Chapter 02: You're not Oliver...

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I realised I don’t really like first person POV, so I’m changing it to third person!

Thank you!x

 Update: Oops, regret doing this. Oh well, sooner chapters will be in Liv's POV again. Sorry. x


After the hectic goodbye from Olivia’s family, she checks in her many suitcases and makes her way to her gate, ready to catch her plane. Earlier that morning, she exchanged hugs with all her friends and family, and she was finally ready to leave. She stops buy a nearby fast-food outlet called Subway and orders some lunch prior to her flight. She smooths her skirt out and sits on a chair in her gate, the cold air pressing against her legs. She notices the laces on her black Doc Martens come loose, so she ties them up. She sees her light disappear, as someone's shadow forecasts over her. As she brings her head back up, she sees the person she doesn’t want to see.


After a few awkward glances, he places a hand on her shoulder.

“Are we done?” he says, and Olivia shakes her head.

”No, of course not!” She says, sarcastically, and stands up as her flight gets called over the PA.

"Listen, wait!” He says, pulling on her cream jumper and her white collar.

“Listen, Jordan, I get that you’re trying to be inspirational or romantic and whatever, but we are done! But lucky for you, my sister is still here.” She says. “I have to go.” She whispers and walks off. She lines up in the line, when all of a sudden she hears a shout.

“But I love you!” His scruffy hair is pointing in different directions and there were a couple of ‘aw’s’ in the crowd. Olivia just shakes her head and boards the plane, presenting her ticket.

Olivia makes her way to her seat, luckily getting an aisle seat, next to a girl around age.

“Hi!” The girl greets, and Olivia returns with a smile. “My name is Rachael. Rachael Beasley!” Olivia sits down in her seat and faces her new acquaintance.

“Olivia. Olivia Thompson.” She replies.

After the long, enduring flight, Rachael and Olivia became close very quickly. They both are going to the same college, have the same taste in music and they both have a sister. You could say that they had a lot more in common. They both pull up to their college and make their way down to where the dormitories are situated. “So is the dorms co-ed or same gender?” Olivia asked her new friend, and Rachael replies with a shrug.

“I’m pretty sure the rooms are two girls, but the floor of the dorms is co-ed.” She replied, and looks down on the map. A wave of misfortune wept across her face. “I’m not with you!” Rachael said, disheartened. Olivia pouted in dismay as she went to look on the sign-up sheet. Bracing herself, knowing that she would have to make do without Rachael, she read the name on the sheet.

“Charlie.” She says in a monotone. The girls both grab a map from the table and follow the map to their dorms. When Rachael turns to one door, Olivia turns as well.

“Where’s your room?” Rachael asked, putting her key in the door.

“Down the hall, I think.” Olivia replies, peering her neck down the hall.

“We’ll catch up for dinner after, cool?” Rachael says, and Olivia nods.

“Bye!” They say at the same time, exchanging in a hug. Olivia takes one step at a time in order to get to her room, slowing walking in case she misses her number.

“399, 400, 401…” she mutters; her head down and focusing on her map. “405.” She says, facing her door. “Welcome Charlie.” She mutters to herself, before placing her key in the doorknob. Turning the knob carefully, she walks pass the threshold of the door.

“Hello?” She shouts out, finding her suitcases already placed next to three unknown suitcases, courtesy of the college. “Three suitcases…” she mutters. “How does someone only have three suitcases.” She shakes her head and walks around the dorm. To her surprise, it wasn’t like a shoebox. It was actually fairly big.

The floorplan was simple. Once you walk in through the front door, the modernised kitchen is to the right, with an island bench matched with two stools on the other side. There is a dining table, seating at least four people. Straight ahead, there is the lounging area. This was beautiful, a flatscreen television places on a cupboard and many different consoles and whatnot equipped into it. “Surely they can’t be supplied by the college…” Olivia thinks aloud. “Probably a gamer girl.” There are two two-seater couches, reminding Olivia of ‘midnight.’ They were purple mixed with blue, and they were beautiful. Olivia notices a feature wall at the back of the kitchen and leading into the entertainment room, featuring a fountain-like print, mixing in with the décor. To the left of the front door was a bathroom, filled with the basics. A pearly white toilet with a matching sink, a small yet versatile shower-and-bath in the corner and a towel rack were situated in the bathroom. It wasn’t much, but it would do. There is plenty of storage space, which is what Olivia might need. As you walk on through the lounging area, there is a not too small but not too big gap between the feature wall and the entrance of one of the bedrooms. There were two bedrooms, both the same, both next to each other. They both had one double bed, one desk equipped with shelves and drawers, one computer and one wardrobe.

Her shoes are kicked lazily off at the front door, and Olivia walks into one of the rooms, and she can see that her room-mate has obviously set up their own room, by the posters on the wall of random bands that she hasn’t even heard of. Feeling nosy, she makes her way inside of the room, checking to see if any drawers have been filled or clothes have been hanged. There were none. “Why unpack your suitcase when you can hang up posters and set up your gaming station.” She mutters, tutting at her room-mate’s priorities. Backing out of the room slowly, she hears a baritone, British voice coming from behind, surely not a voice belonging to a female. “

Who are you?” the mysterious voice said, and she turned around very quickly. Behold her stood a tall male, with brown hair and brown eyes, Olivia finding him awfully attractive. His face was gorgeously good-looking, clean shaven with no stubble.

“I am …” Olivia starts off with, forgetting her name. Her eyes widen, red making its way through her neck and up to her cheeks. The male looks at the piece of paper in his hand.

“Olivia?” He says, raising an eyebrow. Olivia nods, timidly, thinking that he was some sort of teacher. He looks at the paper in disbelief.

“Are you sure?” He asks, cocking an eyebrow upwards again.

“Y-yeah. Olivia Thompson. Why?” She questions, looking down. But without getting an answer, the male walks out of the door and out of sight. “He was strange.” She muttered, wheeling her five suitcases into the bedroom that wasn’t the one that she was in before-hand. Within a mere five minutes, all her clothes were folded nicely into her cupboard. She saw that there was a door in her room, and she opened the handle to reveal another bathroom, similar to the one she saw before. She grabbed her suitcase dedicated to her toiletries and wheeled it into her bathroom. With only putting one shampoo bottle in her shower, she hears an abrupt knock on her bedroom door.

“It’s open…” she called out, walking into her bedroom. In her tracks, she sees the same male, unknown name, leaning against her doorframe. “Can I help you?” Olivia asks, crossing her arms.

“I thought there was a mix up with the rooms, they were meant to write ‘Oliver’ not ‘Olivia.” He says, running his hands through his luscious hair.

“What?” She asks again, wanting a clear answer from this stranger. “Who are you?” She asks, as he rambles on about rooms and dorms. As he moves forward into her room, he puts out a hand and introduces himself.

“My name is Charlie, and I will be your new roommate."

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