Chapter 22: Concert.

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Charlie POV

She pulls her jacket over her shoulders, applying one last swipe of mascara to her gorgeous brown eyes.

"Ready to go?" I ask, leaning against the door frame.

"I guess." She smiles, halfheartedly.

"Nervous?" I ask, as she walks out of her bedroom.

"Just a bit. We are meeting Ed." She mumbles, grabbing her purse from the bench. "I have to look perfect for him!"

"You don't even have to try." I say, shoving my hands in my pockets and looking at the ground.

"Cliché." She chuckles, ruffling my hair.

"My hair!" I gasp, shaking it and fixing it up.

"You're such a girl." She says, but even when she tried to keep her tone in a happy one, it sounded flat. No life was left in it.

I tried making her laugh, I really did. But it wouldn't help. Nothing does. I wanted to know who hurt her. If she hurt herself, I'd cry. But if it was someone else, I would kill them before they knew it.

We walk out of the dorm and walk down to the train station, purchasing our tickets and boarding the train.

Who was she so afraid of? It could be Chad, but she would know I would kill him in a fight. She would tell me if it was Chad. Was it Paige? Jordan? Someone new?

Her face was beautiful, her body was beautiful, her laugh was beautiful.

She was beautiful.

I'd hate to see her hurt.

"What are you thinkin' about?" She asks, her smooth, angelic voice sounding like music to my ears.

"Nothing." I reply with, smiling a toothy grin.

"I've been writing a song." She shrugs. "And Rachael and Luke have taught me a bit of the guitar."

Luke! Luke could be the one to hurt her! But with what motive? He was secretly in love with her? Rachael wouldn't have hurt her, she's not strong enough. But I can't rule them out.

Damn, I need to stop watching CSI.

"You sure learned it quickly." I say.

"I'm a quick learner, and they're both good teachers." She smiles, but the light in her eyes aren't shining as bright as they usually do. I want to save that light.

I've noticed her mood has taken a turn for the worst. She promised she would stay strong for me, and I really hope she does. She means the world to me, as cliché as it sounds. This isn't puppy love, either. She means the world because I love her, friend wised or not.

"Will you sing a bit for me?" I ask.

"Here? Really?" She says, raising an eyebrow.

Her statement made me realise that we are, in fact, on a train.

"What's it called?"

"Wherever You Are." She mumbles into her chest. I've noticed she's done that a lot too, and I don't think it's a good thing.

*A/N yes it is a song by 5sos. I don't mean to copyright it, I do not own it, all credit to 5sos. also use your imagination, and pretend she wrote it.*

"What's it about?" I ask, struggling to keep a conversation.


"What's it about?" He asks.




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