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Jesse stared at his phone. Him and <y/n> had had a breakup only moments ago, but it felt like a lifetime. He recalled that earlier he stated that he couldn't imagine life without her, but now he could. It was bleak. Like himself. The realisation that he had left his girlfriend finally struck him. His energy was put into his anger, but now that it had dissipated, his thoughts meandered towards his sorrow. He focussed back on his phone. He had someone to call, but he was reluctant. But he needed to call her. But it would be awkward.
After long contemplating the consequences, he finally picked up his cell phone and started a call.
"Hello?" Answered a familiar but grouchy voice. Jesse swallowed a lump in his throat.
"I know it's been... Rough between us... But maybe you'd like to go on a date...?"
"Ten o'clock next week at the shopping centre?"

<y/n> chewed on some syrup and pancakes aggressively. Somehow, food managed to make her feel a lot better than usual. (Secretly, she held a sweet tooth, though she'd never admit it.) During her feast, she started to realise that Jesse was no longer going to be there for her. How much she'd wish for him to call and apologise, maybe even take her for coffee, but that wasn't Jesse. It wasn't <y/n> either. It occurred to her that she'd never experienced this with Jesse before. How did he deal with breakups? The only breakup she'd experienced was with Cru...
Conveniently, her phone rang. Surprised, she swallowed her pancakes and answered the phone, hoping it was him
"Hello?" She asked, slightly bewildered and slightly pissed at her interrupted meal.
"I know it's been rough between... us but maybe you'd like to... go on a date...?" The familiar voice mused, shaking slightly. <y/n> considered his offer.
"Ten o'clock next week at the shopping centre?"

Jesse awaited his date under a swaying tree, on a petite blue bench. For the first time in his life, he was nervous even thinking about a girl. This one was different. He'd never given her a chance.

From beyond his viewpoint, a petite frame revealed itself. Her hair-usually curled- was straightened and clad in her hand was a coffee from a nearby coffee store.
"Jesse!~" the melodic voice greeted as he stood up to hug her.
"Jasmine..." He murmured, attempting to sound pleased to see her. Her perfume game was subtle, but it still suffocated him. She simply smiled and took his hand. Her hands were soft, but the texture didn't match what he was used to. The smile was too over used to be precious. It wasn't a reward for him to earn; just a normal occurrence. Everything looked different to him in that past week. Life had faded its vibrant colours and delicate patterns.
"Do you like what i'm wearing?" She asked, twirling playfully in her dark drapes. Jesse glanced over, not really caring much for her clothing, but smiled at her anyways.
"I love your black dress, <y/n>." He complimented, pushing a long lock of hair behind his ear.
"It's a purple skirt... And i'm not <y/n>

Jesse nearly choked; he was mortified. Apologising profusely, he silenced himself and linked arms with her.
God, they hadn't even done anything and the date was flying downhill.

"You know, Jesse, I know that <y/n> is your medicine, but you need to get over her." Jasmine piped up. Jesse smiled at her in an apologetic manner.
"The date hasn't even started and I fucked myself over." He grumbled. Jasmine pondered on how she could fix it, and her mind panned back to her hair. The thought sparked an idea and she grabbed his hand, dragging him away into one direction.

"This might help." She said, opening a store door for the man. Inside were a few chairs and mirrors facing them. A woman welding scissors walked up to the couple, smiling.
"I don't believe I have an appointment with you, Jasmine." She trailed off, still smiling. Jasmine frowned.
"This is Jesse, the guy I've been talking about. Anyways, he needs a haircut, asap." She frowned. Her friend didn't really take note of what she'd said. She was preoccupied with Jesse's hues.

Male!Jessica Rabbit x Reader - Signature ScowlWhere stories live. Discover now