Captain Oblivious

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I wandered astray from Jesse, and Cru caught me immediately. He looked less than happy.

"<y/n>, we need to talk." Cru barked, forcefully grabbing his ex's wrist as he dragged her to his office. <y/n>, stunned, reluctantly stumbled after, too dazed to resist.

With a slam, the oak door shut, and a furious Cru sat before her. The fire burning in his vindictive eyes said it all.
"What the devil are you doing in my villa with my brother?" He asked, his voice shaking as he attempted to remain calm. <y/n> stood tall, though it was all a feint; she couldn't face the man before her without her emotions going astray. 
"He invited me as one... no... all of his plus fives." She answered coldly, avoiding his hard gaze. That steely composure almost rivalled <y/n>'s. He scoffed.
"Why would he invite you? Hm? Why would you employ him? Are you deliberately trying to ruin my life?" He asked. The woman stood firm, aware of the beast ready to devour her.
"I wasn't aware that he was your brother." She voiced defensively. He contemplated her point, staying still as he stared at his bony fingers.
"I agreed because he looked lonely."

Finally, he jerked his head towards her.
"Why would you cheat on me?"
The words hit her like a truck.
"Why would you cheat on me?" He demanded. She stared blankly at the corner of the table.

"Answer me, <y/n>!" Cru shouted, his voice wavering as he slammed the sturdy table with his hands. It shook, and <y/n> flinched. She finally diverted her guilty gaze towards him, and the look in his eye could pierce. His expression softened momentarily as he observed her glassy eyes. But it couldn't distract him for long.
"You can't just come slithering back into my life whenever you damn well please." He seethed, a snide look crossing his face as he avoided her gaze. <y/n> looked him straight in the eye.
"I'm here for Jesse, not you."She muttered quietly to herself. Cru would have laughed had he not been in such a foul mood. But there was a stifled breath breaking the tense air. Cru stared at the entrance, his nose wrinkling in disgust. Someone was eavesdropping. Silently, <y/n> whipped around, opening the door to check for eavesdroppers. Walking past the corridor was Cru's fiancé and her mother. She took this as her cue to leave snd exited the room.

As she closed the door, Jesse let out a small sigh of relief. He'd heard a racket, followed the noise, and hid himself. At first he wondered by <y/n> and his brother were speaking but he'd heard enough the conversation and put two and two together; and it all made sense. Those paintings weren't Cassandra. They were <y/n>. The ex Cru genuinely wanted to marry. That was <y/n> too. Jesse felt a swell of emotion. She had hurt her brother so badly, in ways he'd never have thought his brother could hurt. But Jesse liked her. Jesse liked her very much.

But couldn't fall in love with her.

Glumly, after the speech, he awaited her arrival in the car. As she ploughed towards him, he noticed that her dress was ripped, her hair deflated, and a light purple bruise was on her cheek— but her eyes glowed brightly, resilient as ever. Shocked, Jesse stared at her. She smiled back weakly.
"What ha--"
"Fell over." She interrupted, replying abruptly. Jesse expressed his empathy as he opened a compartment in his car and brought out an ice pack. Gently, he pressed it against her cheek. It stung, but nothing she couldn't handle.
"Thanks." She smiled sheepishly. Her hand accidentally brushed up against Jesse's hand as she went to hold it in place.
"Oh, sorry."

It was soft and warm... unlike her heart. A light blush graced her cheeks as she quickly glanced away from the man. He didn't acknowledge the motion, his mind still lingering upon the bruise underneath the ice pack; It was obvious Cru had hit her. He wasn't angry at his brother, though. He didn't know the context. Maybe she'd said something that triggered him, not that it would justify him, but Jesse understood his brother.
"You know, you're not as bad as I thought you were.", <y/n> mumbled, the tint of pink brightening on her face. Jesse gave a knowing smirk as he reversed the car and began to drive. On the way back, she began yawning, and her head started to droop down. Soon enough, she fell asleep. Her face seemed so tranquil in her slumber; it was an endearing  contrast from her normally serious composure. He had to tear his eyes away from the unusual sight and focus on the journey back. To hell with being a good brother; he really wouldn't mind seeing that expression everyday as he woke up.

Male!Jessica Rabbit x Reader - Signature ScowlWhere stories live. Discover now