Bloody Hot

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[a/n] I didn't mean for this to happen but I got inspired.

<y/n> and Jesse, hand in hand, both strolled towards the café au lait, a newly opened coffee shop. Whoever the owner was clearly had no idea how to name the place something original. <y/n> scoffed to herself and entered the shop. Inside, walls were decorated with canvases of silhouette portraits of women in the 1800s. The tables were square and polished; a fluffy light brown in harmony with the cream and similarly shaded brown chairs. There was no doubt that the place was scented lightly of coffee, and the shop in general felt homely, in a strange way. It was surprising that the place wasn't bustling.

Arm in arm, Jesse and <y/n> walked up to the bar, and were greeted by a tall, lanky man. By greeted, they mean they were ignored by the barista. He had his back turned, trying to make coffee. He wore a simple barista's brown apron and white undershirt, though somehow he managed to uphold a classy presence about him. Even from a bar away, the couple could smell cigarette smoke overpowering the coffee. The man cursed profusely, seemingly having made a mistake blending the coffee, which was unusual for hired baristas to do, however the most peculiar thing was that his hair was half black, and half--

Finally, it dawned on them. Before they had time to react, Cru harshly turned to spite his new customers. Upon seeing Jesse and <y/n>, he froze. They stood staring for moments, but it felt like an eternity. Their hearts beat thick as they stood dumbly. Opting to break the silence, <y/n> cleared her throat.
"I'd like--"
"One Venti, Semi-Skimmed, Extra Shot, Extra-Hot, Sugar-Free Caramel Macchiato coming right up." Cru breathed. In less than a minute, he turned to give <y/n> her order. She furrowed her brows and thanked him, handing over a £5 note.
"Keep the change." She said, finding a seat. Cru watched her sit down, entranced. She sipped her Venti, Semi-Skimmed, Extra Shot, Extra-Hot, Sugar-Free Caramel Macchiato non-chalantly as Jesse attempted catch his brother's attention.

Finally, Jesse gave up and sat with his girlfriend. He knew exactly why Cru was staring, and he didn't blame his brother either. She was a gorgeous woman to Cru. A gorgeous woman on a date with his brother. It was only natural to... Do whatever it was that Cru was doing.  <y/n> broke eye contact with the dazed man and looked to Jesse instead.
"Do you want my drink? He's too phased to take another order. Maybe if I go up he'll take mine again. I'm not sure why he reacted like that." <y/n> lied. Jesse noticed, however he didn't protest, but obliged.

<y/n> began her walk to the coffee bar again, adrenaline rushing through her. She didn't really want to go up, but she didn't want to be coffee-less either.
"Excuse me?" She said, glancing at the alabaster man. He was glued to the spot, and clearly tongue tied. It was honestly quite uncomfortable to see him this was.
"Cru." <y/n> hissed. He snapped out of his daze, anger finally worming its way on to his face. <y/n> rolled her eyes.
"I'd like a--"
"I get it. Bloody hell." He sighed, yet again preparing a Venti, Semi-Skimmed, Extra Shot, Extra-Hot, Sugar-Free Caramel Macchiato. He took his sweet time, occasionally glancing over his shoulder to see if she was still there. She was. And she was growing impatient.

When the specified drink was finally laid down for her, she handed him another £5 note. As he went to grab it, he caught her wrist instead, and glanced up at her. From Jesse's view, <y/n>'s body obscured the action. She hissed once more.
"Who the bloody hell do you think you're hissing at?" Cru spat, but not in a spiteful way. He sounded... Hurt. <y/n> attempted to tug her hand away, but he held strong.
"What do you want?" She asked, giving in to him. He was much stronger than her, despite his lanky stature.

Cru didn't know what to say, only that he had to say something.
"Spit it out." <y/n> growled. Cru glared at her, struggling with his words.
"Are you and Jesse...?"
He didn't want to finish the sentence. She looked back at the redhead, who smiled at her assuringly. Facing Cru, she replied.
"Yes, yes we are. Now I'd appreciate it if you let me go."

<y/n>'s attempts to free her hand were useless; Cru wasn't done.
"I know this isn't conventional," he started.
"No, it isn't. Just spit it out so I can enjoy my Macchiato while it's still Extra-Hot." The woman huffed back, quickly being silenced by his glare.
"Why are you and Jesse dating. It's like you planned this to make me feel miserable. No matter how many times you appear you always affect me. I hate you." He said bitterly, finally releasing her from his grip.

Despite the odd, almost vulgar way of wording his emotions, <y/n> interpreted it, and couldn't help feeling guilt afterwards. Instead of leaving, she tried to stand her ground.
"Yet you invited me to your next party." She pointed out. He opened his mouth to speak but he was interrupted.
"Besides. You have Alisha." She mumbled. Cru scoffed.
"Does she resemble anyone to you? In fact, did Cassandra? Or any of my ex-fiancés?" He hissed agressively, slamming the table with his furious fist. The customers stared, but continued enjoying themselves in silence. Come to think of it, their hair colours were all her exact shade. After all, Cru knew which dye she used, and she never bothered to dye it any other way. Embarrassed, <y/n> picked up her drink and swifly left.
"...You forgot your change." Jesse piped up. <y/n> growled, feigning anger but really felt guilt bestowed upon her if anything else.
"He knows to keep it."

From the store room of the bar, a girl sat blood boiling and prickling sensations swept on her brow as pent up energy loomed around her fingertips. Alisha heard everything. She had planned to surprise her fiancé but...
She stood in there for a while, waiting for Cru to take a bathroom break before exiting. Angered, she threw her ring on the floor and rushed out of the shop, angry tears peaking from her eyes. Everything was about <y/n>. Even her husband-to-be was caught up in that other woman's world. Every man she had ever fallen for had succumbed to the likes of that succubus. It was cold hearted, cruel, and the demon certainly didn't understand Alisha's desperation. She was selfish and inconsiderate and capricious and mean.

Ailisha could rant as much as she liked, but deep down, she knew her insecurities. She wanted to act older, so that Jesse would like her, but it failed horribly. She wanted to feel worthy enough for Cru, yet she had to resemble another woman in order to do that. She wanted to be considered an equal to <y/n>, but it ended up making herself look more childish. She just wanted to be herself, but she couldn't accept that the people she strived to impress didn't want her.

She dried her frustrated tears and sat beneath a lonely oak tree, looming over an unsuspecting bench.

One coffee could most certainly hurt.

Male!Jessica Rabbit x Reader - Signature ScowlWhere stories live. Discover now