Part 22- And that would be....

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If this picture isn't one of the most cutest things you've ever seen then I accept that challenge.

Anyways, carry on with your reading. XP,


Did you hear it? Yes.

Did your heart feel like it jumped out onto a highway during rush hour and got ran over? Yes.

But were you going to assume the worst? No.

Instead you brightly smiled toward Sonic with your head tilted.

"Were you playing with a rock? There are a lot of them out here from the kids." you say with the still happy smile on your face.

Sonic stared at both you and the water with wide eyes. The smile on your face began to fade when he said nothing. Not wanting to take his chances, he took a step away from you with his arms extended in defence but at the same time wanted to calm you down.

"Take a deep breath before we discuss this any further." he says taking one more step back.

You did as was told with a dark cloud creeping behind you. "Is there any particular reason why I'm doing this?"

"No, n-not really it's just," he stuttered.

"Just what?" you ask naively, bending the railing with your hands.

He gulped. "Did you have insurance?"

The bar snapped in half.

The cloud behind you shot up and your eyes turned- (idk just change it to add dramatic effect ┐('^`)┌ ) and your hair grew three inches longer.

Out of fear, Sonic tried to dash away. Sadly he wasn't fast enough for your reflexes so you grabbed him and held him by his neck. His once scared expression changed to a cool exterior after he gave the courage to. 

"(Y/N), re-lACK!"

Your eyes narrowed at him tightening around his neck because he hasn't passed out yet from little to no oxygen. A woman and her children that were walking by ran away screaming when they saw that he didn't stand a chance.

Realizing the reason they ran for their lives and noticing how serious this could turn out, you dropped him.

I mean what if they told that a powerful and dangerous S-class hero lost it? There goes your paycheck.

Your eyes turned back to their shining (E/C) orbs and your hair shortened back to its original length.

"All my work files, GONE!" you sulk to yourself slowly sliding down the wall of the bridge.

How long has it been? It's been quite a while since you moved here. You still haven't done many important tasks that were supposed to be done and long ago finished.

For example your important work files, you were supposed to copy them into paper documents but never got around to it. There were still boxes sitting in the corner of (whichever room) collecting dust and possibly has a spider family living in it.

If it wasn't for your laziness then you wouldn't be as upset as you are now.

Sonic coughed some catching his breath before speaking.

"Your what?"

You slid down until you were sitting on the ground then hugged your knees to your chest.

"My phone had files and documents that weren't saved." you sighed looking at the ground.

Sonic leaned on the rail, well the part that wasn't broken and looked off in the distance.

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