Chapter 28

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Milky Way/Serpent Nebula/Widow System/Citadel/Presidium

Passing through a mass relay while passengers in a Mako was not something any of them ever wanted to experience again. Crashing hard onto the platform surrounding the Presidium lake on the Citadel, they skidded to a stop when the Mako rammed into the the tower wall.

Escaping with only minor scrapes and bruises between them, they pushed on, taking the elevator to the top of the Citadel Tower. They only made it half-way before Saren locked it down. Donning helmets and activating their mag-boots, Callie shot out the glass of the elevator and they headed up the tower.

Geth and krogan followers blocked their path, but Tali made short work of the geth with her tech skills, while Callie and Kaidan made sure the krogan stayed off their feet with their biotics. After taking out a second team of geth, they activated the tower's defence system which made short work of a geth drop-ship that had been sent to block their progress.

Citadel/Presidium/Council Chambers

Following a second path into the interior of the tower, Callie found an access hatch. They followed it to the end where it brought them to the Council chambers. There were more geth, but having dealt with so many already, they were passed them in no time at all.

Spotting Saren at a console near the top of the platform, they ran to him, guns drawn. With a smirk, he stepped off the platform seeming to fall into the garden below, but moments later reappeared, tossing a grenade at them.

"I was wondering when you'd get here Shepard." Saren sneered from the floating platform he used before.

"It's hard work killing geth

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"It's hard work killing geth." Callie retorted from behind cover. "But here I am."

"Admirable. But you're late. You've lost, you know that don't you? Sovereign is already accessing the tower controls. Soon the Reapers will be here and your struggle will have been for nothing."

"I still have a few tricks up my sleeve." Callie argued.

"You survived our encounter on Virmire, but I've changed since then, improved. Sovereign has upgraded me."

"You let Sovereign implant you?" She was shocked. "Are you insane?"

"I suppose I should thank you Shepard. After Virmire I couldn't stop thinking about what you said. About Sovereign manipulating me, about indoctrination. The doubts began to eat away at me, Sovereign sensed my hesitation. I was implanted to strengthen my resolve. Now my doubts are gone and I believe in Sovereign completely. I understand the Reapers need organics. Join me and Sovereign will find a place for you."

"Sovereign's controlling you through your implants! Don't you see that?" Callie retorted.

"The relationship is symbiotic. The strengths of both, the weaknesses of neither. I am a vision of the future Shepard. The evolution of all organic life. This is our destiny. Join Sovereign and experience a true rebirth!"

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