Chapter 25

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Milky Way/Serpent Nebula/Widow System/Citadel

Callie reached the galaxy map, intent on plotting a course through the Mu Relay to Ilos when Joker's voice came over the comm.

"Commander. Just got word from the Council. They're sending a fleet after Saren. Udina wants us to join them back at the Citadel."

"Plot a course Joker. I want the Normandy at the head of that fleet."

"Aye, aye, Commander."

She, Kaidan and Garrus headed to the Council Chambers as soon as they docked with the Citadel. When they arrived, Ambassador Udina was already there, speaking with the Council.

"Good job Shepard." Udina greeted her. "Thanks to you the Council is taking real action against Saren."

"Udina is correct." Tevos confirmed. "If Saren is foolish enough to attack the Citadel, we'll be ready for him."

"Patrols are stationed at every Mass Relay leading to the Citadel from the Terminus Systems." Sparatus added.

"A blockade won't stop Saren." Callie said, realizing they'd lied to her. "He's on Ilos right now looking for the Conduit. What are you doing about that?"

"Ilos is deep in the Terminus, outside Council space. We cannot send a fleet there without starting a full-scale war." Valern said.

"Now is the time for discretion." Udina cautioned, turning to face her. "Saren's greatest weapon is secrecy – now he's no longer a threat. This is over."

"It's not over!" She argued

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"It's not over!" She argued. "If Saren finds the Conduit we're all screwed. We have to go to Ilos!"

"Ambassador Udina, I get the sense Commander Shepard isn't willing to let this go." Sparatus said.

"Humanity's made great gains because of you Shepard." Udina said. "But now, you're becoming more trouble that you're worth."

"You bastard!" Kaidan cried. "You're selling us out!"

"It's just politics Commander." Udina said, turning his back on her shocked expression. "You've done your job, now let me do mine."

"Nobody stabs me in the back Udina." Callie spat as she left. "Nobody."

Citadel Docking Bay/Normandy Crew Deck

Callie slumped to the floor beside her locker after stowing her weapons, her anger dissolving as the futility of the situation hither full force. After everything she'd done, everything she'd sacrificed and lost, the Council and Udina had betrayed her. Udina had gone as far to lock down the Normandy's controls, grounding her and her crew. She could do nothing to stop Saren now.

"Are you okay Shepard?" Kaidan asked as he stood over her. "I'm sure you can get an appeal."

"I pushed as hard as I could. They wouldn't listen!"

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