Chapter 12

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Milky Way/Terminus Systems/Normandy

Kaidan was working at his console when he received a message from Garrus.

"Lieutenant? Garrus here. I need to discuss something with you. Can you come see me in the cargo bay?"

"Sure Garrus. Be right there."

"Lieutenant." Garrus said as Kaidan joined him by the Mako. "I don't know how to say this. I'm not part of your Alliance crew and I don't know how this works."

"What's on your mind Garrus?"

"I don't know how Alliance military handles these things, but have you noticed anything different about the Commander while on missions? Specifically if they involve husks or creepers?"

"Different? How?" Kaidan asked, unsure what Garrus was getting at. "Did something happen on the last mission?"

"Kind of. Nothing serious mind you, but Shepard seemed unnaturally afraid of them. She jumped several times when they rushed us - even backed into Wrex more than once. I found it strange considering what she's already gone through. I just wondered if it might be cause for concern. Thought I'd ask you since you're Staff Lieutenant on this ship."

"I can't say I noticed Garrus, but now that you mention it..." Kaidan trailed off as he ran through the missions he'd been on where husks and creepers had been present. "Something has been a bit off on some of our missions together. If it would make you feel better, I could talk to her about it."

"Only if you think it's necessary Lieutenant. Just so we're clear, I'm not questioning her ability to run the ship, I'm just concerned something might be wrong."

"I'll talk to her Garrus." Kaidan said, grateful Garrus had brought it to his attention. "I'll let you know if there's anything you can do. Thank you for telling me."

"Anytime Lieutenant."

Kaidan returned to the crew deck and debated waking Shepard. It had only been a few hours since she'd entered her quarters, so he thought it best to let her sleep. He figured the best choice would be to send her a message so they could arrange a time to talk. As he wrote, he added a postscript that indicated it was work related so she wouldn't get the wrong impression.

"Kaidan." Shepard's voice came over the comm moments later. Shit. Guess she wasn't sleeping after all. "I'm free now if you'd like to come in."

"Of course Commander. Be right there."

"I thought you were sleeping Commander." Kaidan said, entering her cabin. "I didn't know you were up. This can wait if you want to get some shut eye."

"I'm fine." Callie lied, suppressing a yawn. "What's this about?"

"It's about the mission you were on with Wrex and Garrus. Garrus had some concerns."

"Garrus? Why, what did he say?" Callie held her breath. Crap, they had noticed.

"Just that you didn't seem like yourself." Kaidan could see her thinking how to respond, so he waited, saying nothing.

"I was hoping no one noticed." She muttered half to herself. "But Garrus is right, I'm not feeling like myself. I'm.. I don't know what it is. Those "things" scare the crap out of me and I don't know why."

"If it's any consolation, they scare the crap out of me too." Kaidan said, hoping to put her mind at ease.

"Thanks, but that doesn't make this easier." She said, turning her gaze to the floor. "I don't understand why they scare me so much. It's not like me and... and why the hell am I telling you this? I'm your superior officer."

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