Chapter 22

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Milky Way/Sentry Omega/Hoc System/Virmire

Kirrahe's teams split up and Shepard, Garrus and Kaidan headed toward the back of Saren's base of operations. Over the comm, Kirrahe told her to look out for any way to sabotage the geth resistance as they made their way to the building.

A handful of geth blocked their way, but they managed to shut down the geth communications hub, the satellite uplink tower and the geth flyers before reaching the facility's rear entrance. Once inside they encountered armed salarians who Garrus said must be the missing men Kirrahe had mentioned. A few geth primes were present, but were easily put down with Garrus' skill with a sniper rifle and Kaidan's sabotage tech.

In the lower part of the facility, they found what Callie assumed were what was left of Kirrahe's captured squad. Locked inside padded cells with glass viewing doors, they seemed little more than mindless shells. When she tried to get their attention, all they did was moan.

She found one salarian who seemed lucid enough that he responded when Callie questioned him. He said the scientists working for Saren had been conducting experiments. He'd watched as good soldiers were reduced to little more than mindless husks. He wanted her to let him out, but after he told her he could hear whispers that he knew came from the ship, Sovereign, she told him she couldn't risk it.

Kaidan wasn't happy about her decision and said so, and Garrus agreed. But it didn't feel right to her and she wouldn't be swayed. The more she heard about Sovereign, the less she trusted anyone who had come into contact with the alien ship. She needed to know more about what had affected the test subjects before she risked exposing herself or her team to whatever was wrong with them.

They found another lone salarian on the lower level of holding cells. He wasn't as lucid as the last one had been, but he was a lot more anxious. After giving his name as Private Menos Avot, he said he was glad to answer. That it was better than what the scientists had done.

 That it was better than what the scientists had done

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"Never any questions from these bastards. Just whispers and poking and cutting. I'd have said anything to get out and get some payback."

"What did they do to you soldier?" Callie asked.

"Experiments, but I don't know what for. The effect of incessant whispering on my shortening temper? Who knows? I just need out." Menos said.

"Something isn't right here Commander." Garrus said.

"He's not part of the mission." Callie agreed. "He might get in our way."

"No! No I need to get out. This room is too small and keeps talking and I really wanna get outta here and get some work done. I need to get out. Let me out."

"I'm sorry." Callie said. "I can't take that chance."

"Can't take that chance. No chance. I need to do what it says. I have to. Let me out! Let me out!" He screamed before launching himself at the door where he crashed his head into the glass, knocking himself out cold.

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