Chapter 7

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Milky Way/Artemis Tau Cluster/Normandy

Callie took several steadying breaths as she left Liara's room inside the med bay. Well that had been unpleasant. How the hell had Liara sensed anything about Kaidan? Was she psychic? Did anyone else know? It wasn't as though she'd kissed him, they'd only talked. Dammit. Callie didn't know what to do. She hadn't done anything but talk to him. Shit.

She remained where she was a moment longer before making up her mind. It wasn't as though she was planning a relationship with the Lieutenant. She just wanted to get to know him better. Avoiding him was out of the question - the mission was too important and as such, she had to maintain a good relationship with everyone. It wasn't like she was deliberately singling him out.

Right. So it's just part of my job then. If I happen to enjoy talking with the Lieutenant, it's not a breach of protocol, it's just a perk. Callie smiled to herself, yeah that's it, a perk, a pleasant side effect of doing her job. That issue resolved, she headed over to where the Lieutenant was working at his console.

"Do you have some time to talk Commander?" Kaidan asked as she approached.

That sounded serious. "Let's hear it Lieutenant. I always make time for my officers."

"We've played it pretty close to the book so far, but we've got some tough calls to make. I'm just saying, try to leave yourself a way out. I've seen what cutting corners can do and I'd hate to have that happen to you Shepard. Uh, Commander."

"Is this a personal observation Kaidan?" Callie was already unbalanced by her conversation with Liara... and now this? What was he on about?

"I uh... I don't want to step on any toes. Especially if you're uh... if I've misread your interests." He stammered.

"My interests?" Interests? A way out? "Okay Lieutenant, off the record. Cross my heart and hope to die. What the hell are you talking about?"

"Dr. T'Soni. There's a lower-deck rumour that she's uh, interested in you as more than just a source of Prothean technology. She's a very interesting lady. Not to my, uh, tastes, but I never claimed to be big on alien culture."

How the hell did he know that? She'd only just learned of Liara's interest a few minutes ago. And... wait, what? Is Kaidan jealous of Liara? "You seem awfully concerned about my personal affairs."

"It's just that we don't have much down-time these days and I like being around you. But I don't want to take up your personal time if your interests lie elsewhere."

Her interests? Why was everyone so concerned about her interests? She let out an exasperated sigh. "There's nothing between Liara and me." Callie said, her voice firm. "Look, you didn't want to talk about Liara. What's the real issue here?"

"You're right." Kaidan admitted. "Liara's not my main concern. It's just that in my experience, when you start cutting corners, it isn't always obvious who might get hurt in the process."

"Talk to me Kaidan." She said, her head was starting to spin trying to figure out what he was getting at. "You've got a little black rain cloud over your head."

"I'll try to keep the deck dry ma'am." He said, trying again. "Do you remember what I told you about Vyrnnus?"

She nodded.

"Well after he died, Conatix was shut down. All the kids were sent home and the whole mess was swept under the carpet. Nothing was ever done about the kids who got hurt by Vyrnnus' teaching style and no reparations were made for the ones who died. The Alliance made mistakes, and the students were the one's who paid the price for those mistakes."

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