Chapter 27

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Milky Way/Pangaea Expanse/Refuge/Ilos

After Joker pulled off a miracle drop in the Mako that didn't kill them, Shepard, Kaidan and Tali got out and stared at the bulkhead door Saren had locked behind him.

"There has to be a way to get past that door." Tali said. "We don't have the time or ordnance to blast through them."

"Saren did. There must be a console nearby we can use." Kaidan said.

"Let's look around then." Callie agreed. "Quickly."

Of course it wasn't that simple. Geth colossus, geth snipers and geth hunters blocked their way as they searched the area they were trapped in, making Callie grateful she'd brought her tech experts for the mission.

While Tali hacked the geth, Kaidan overloaded the geth weapons.Leaving the tech to her squad, Callie focused on her biotics, using lift and throw to keep them from organizing and firing them.

With the first wave dealt with, they found a path that led below where Tali discovered a console that opened an access door leading to an elevator.

With the first wave dealt with, they found a path that led below where Tali discovered a console that opened an access door leading to an elevator

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"Feels like I'm walking over a grave." Kaidan said as the elevator doors closed.

"We don't belong here." Tali agreed. "Not us. Not the geth. And not Saren."

The elevator doors opened onto a hallway that spilled out into a large open room, filled with hostile geth. Callie noted there were four consoles there and she lifted the nearest geth as she ran to the first one. Working quickly she hacked it, bringing a geth armature online that immediately began firing on the geth. Kaidan took the right side of the room, hacking the consoles there, while Tali continued to sabotage the geth, forcing them to fire on each other.

With the room cleared and the armatures self-destructing, they came upon a building with stairs leading to a second level. Callie found a damaged and badly degraded Prothean VI console that activated as she released the controls to the door that was blocking them from following Saren.

A recording sounded, badly degraded and hard to make sense of.

"It's another VI program." Tali said as the console lit up, emitting a confusing orange light. "Very badly degraded."

"It's a warning." Callie said.

"Amazing." Tali said in awe. "The beacon on Eden Prime must have given you the ability to understand it."

"What's it saying?" Kaidan asked. "Does it give us anything useful?"

"It said something about the conduit, but it's too broken up to make any sense."

"We should keep moving then." Tali said.

Leaving the room, they discovered another elevator that took them back to where the Mako was waiting for them, parked in front of the now open blast doors.

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