Mixed Feelings

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OMG thank you all for the comments I appreciate it very much.Now let us get on with the story.

RIP the people of the terrorist shooting in Orlando. I was in Florida when it happened  and it ruined my hole trip. Please have the families of the victims in your thoughts as they will always be in mine.   #stopthehate

    Mandy's POV 

 I sped off and left her walking into the library with her head down. She looked disappointed and in a need for sleep. I felt horrible and sad when I left her. I did apologize tho  but It did not seem to help. I truly did not mean to slap her, especially in the eye..she could have eye damage. But she laughed at me, It wasn't a mean laugh,but it made me mad to see her laugh.  I go to my house and make a fresh cup of tea. Then I sit down and look up how to help in certain situations. 

Kate's POV

 I walk in the library with my head down then I sit on a bench  my eye is red and it is painful to blink or even look up. I decide to rest here until I feel better. It has been an hour and I decide to walk home. I get home and go up to my room,lock my door. I take a shower and get on my lap top. 

   I have a message from Mandy,it reads 

" meet me tomorrow,afternoon, same place yes I know it will be Sunday play sick, and if your not there well beautiful, good luck getting out of what I am capable of doing"

I role my eyes in irritation, I shouldn't have to do this but whatever! I am just going to make it worse if I don't. So I oblige and reply with 


      The next day,that after noon I get ready to meet Mandy. But when I wake up and can't see anything in my left eye. I run into the bathroom. I scream for my mom and dad. They rush in with worried faces.
      The next thing I know is sitting on the floor of the bath room with me parents over me. We go to the eye doctor and find out I have eye damage.  They give me pain medication and they also scheduled a surgery date if needed. The ride back home was depressing, this never should have happened. It made me sad, I have to wear a patch like thing over my eye, plus the eye doctor even asked me who or how this happened.  I had to make up some stupid story like I scratched my eye while putting on makeup. 

  When I get home I take a shower, take pain pills and get ready for this afternoon with Mandy. I am really sad and I don't feel like dressing up at all. She is starting to turn me into a different person and not in the good way.  She makes me feel small and useless,because that's just what I am to her. Just a source of money. I grab a red dress and some flats. Put on some make up and take some pain killers and sneak out of the house. My mom and dad are at a meeting with the church they go to,they wont be back till late. 

   My blonde hair flows through the wind and so do my thoughts until I see Mandy waiting for me. I hope in her car and don't even look at Mandy. She looks over at me with an amused look on her face probably because I have a patch like bandage on my eye. She lets out a chuckle as I stare out the window with a blank expression on my face.

"was it that bad" she ask uneasy

I turn to her and look at her in the face.


I grit my teeth while trying to hold back what I want to say, I guess she doesn't get it because she  simply looks past it like its a minor issue.But little does she know that I might have to eye surgery because of her.  She starts to drive off, where  I really don't know .

-where are we going?

"to the studio, I mean where else would we go you look like a mess."

  I am a little taken back by her comment to say the least.But let it pass as I just stare out in anger of the passenger seat window. We arrive at the studio and I have a feeling this afternoon is not going to end well. 

Mandy's POV

  So we get in the studios first floor. I take one look at Kate's eye. I still believe that she is over reacting. She looks like she is going to explode  at any minute and needs a break from me and life in general. But I want to push her past her limits. And that just what I am going to do.

  I motion her to follow me to the nearest restroom. She complies easily. When we get in the door I slam the door behind]d us and lock it.She looks a little tired but  not scared at all like last time, but she will very soon.

-Take that bandage off now

I demand

 She looks ta me like I have gone crazy.

'What the hell, no these patches are expensive. They have medicine on them. No!' 

I laugh at her, not believing  her.

-I don't believe you for one second...

 She looks at me with a slight agitated face 

"I don't care"

    We babble on for more than five minute she keeps ranting about how she went to the eye doctor this morning. And how she can not see, that it is my fault. The argument is getting heated by the minute. I step closer to her trying to intimidate her, wrong move she steps away and kicks her right leg at me knocking me straight on the ground. I look up seeing her huff at herself. It looks to me as If she is having an internal battle with her self. She looks down at me in frustration.

"Look, I swear I am not fucking Lying to you. I already told you I would  do whatever it was we are suppose to be doing. But I can not see out of my dam eye. And yet here you are laughing like it is no big deal. It is a fucking big deal. I could go bloody blind for gods sake!"

  I think to myself that she is right but know in the back of my head I will never admit it. She paces back in forth in the bathroom like she has gone mad, while I just sit on the floor holding my hurting legs and watch her.  A few minutes afterwards she notices I haven't gotten up yet. She pauses then offer's a hand.

  But before I can grab it she shoots out her words like weapons.

"I swear if you try to pull me down of get up and try to beat me I swear to fucking god  that I will call the whole thing off. I have simply had It I am  going mad! I nod my head and take her head as she gently pulls me up. In my head we are to close for comfort.

 Sorry for the chapter not having real action  going on it was kind of just a filler but really needed. How do you all feel about Kate's new attitude towards Mandy will it better or will it just make things worse? Please vote, more votes sooner the updates, comments are always welcome along with criticism. Thank you so much for reading you all mean so much to me and I love you all.


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