Chapter 7

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It’s been two months since Mike had his accident and everything that the doctors have tried has either has little effect or has sent him deeper into coma and twice they had almost lost him.  No matter what drugs they administered to revive him from his coma were having no effect.  They had told his parents to keep talking to him all the time, play his favourite music all the things that are normally suggested to penetrate the sub conscious, even Jane had the courage to join in but there was little or no success.  They had all returned home one afternoon and were discussing what if anything they could do next.  "Is there anything we haven’t tried" his Mom asked "I think that we have to keep trying he’s still with us there must be something surely that will jolt him back?"  "How about Stu?" Jane blurted out "they have always been inseparable and practically know each other’s thoughts, I know it sounds stupid but it’s worth a try and Stu has never stopped coming around to see us to ask how Michael is doing."  "I suppose it’s worth a try we have tried everything else we can think of I’ll ring his parents now" said Michael's mom.  They all ended up going to Stu’s home but his parents told them he was out on his bike somewhere and was due back shortly and they could wait for him.  They all talked about Michael enquiring how he was progressing.  Stu’s parents told them that Stu hadn’t been his usual self since the accident, he was really missing his best friend they had never been apart for so long as long as they could remember.  Stu rode up to his house and seeing Michael’s parents’ car there he had a fear of dread and fearing the worst he went in.  "Stuart" his Mom said "Mr and Mrs Lawton have something to ask you."  Michael’s Mom continued "we would like you to come and see Michael in hospital and see if your visit could make a difference."  "Of course if you think it would help when?"  "I think this weekend would be a good time" replied Michael’s Dad "we will pick you up about 2.00pm on Saturday if that’s okay" looking at Stuarts’ parents who nodded their approval.  Arrangements made the Lawton’s returned home but it was Jane who interrupted the silent journey home, "do you think it will work Mom, Stu being there?" "Only time will tell, only time will tell sweetheart, but he’s somebody different and Michael and Stu are very close and they were together just before the accident who knows it may just be what Michael needs to give him a jolt."

After the Lawton’s had left Stu’s Mom asked him where he had been as they had expecting him back much earlier.  "I wasn’t going to be that long to be honest just a quick ride out and I wasn’t thinking about where I was going to go either, but I found myself drawn to where Michael and I had been the day of the accident and I felt compelled to stop there.  I sat there thinking about what had happened, it felt as if it only happened yesterday when Michael and I had been laughing about setting him up with Hayley, so I closed my eyes and started to think of what had happened since.  What really scared me was that whilst I was recollecting those events Michael came into my mind yelling at me that I needed him.  I needed him? what on earth does he mean I need him? But he came back into my mind again stating that he needed to see me.  It was then I decided to come home and to talk to you guys to persuade the Lawton’s to let me see him."  They all looked at each other in amazement "well" said Stu’s Dad "you don’t have to that’s all fixed, but you two amaze me let’s just leave it like that."  "We are just on the same wavelength most of the time", but what Stu didn’t tell them was although it was Michael that was asking for him in his mind there was something or someone else there and he felt uneasy about it.

The Gift (Edited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon