Chapter 12

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Stu didn’t get to the door before his Mom though as she had already spotted her and was chatting to her when Stu got there.  "Hi Hayley" was Stu’s first remark "I wasn’t sure you would come over".  before Hayley could answer Stu’s Mom turned and cheekily said "well I’d better let Cupid here take over," both of them went a scarlet red in colour.  "Come on Hayley I’ll take you up Michael’s already waiting" she turned an even deeper shade of red saying "Stu!!"! They both laughed and went up to Stu’s room. 

Michael was sitting on Stu’s bed and stood up as soon as the door opened Stu first then Hayley who was still a little red they both said Hi and it was Stu who broke that first awkward moment by saying "I’ll leave you two love birds together for a while," "but you said", "I lie"d said Stu, "you two need some space to talk and you don’t need me to be here I’ve done my bit, but I’ll be back and he left closing the door behind him."  Michael was lost for words as usual when Hayley was around but it was Hayley who broke the ice by throwing her arms around him saying "I’m so pleased to see and be with you."  "Me too" said Michael, returning the embrace thinking this wasn’t the way I imagined it was going happen but it’s a good start.  The embrace released Michael and Hayley finally started to chat to each other a lot was about Michael’s accident but it then turned to each other and Michael was quite surprised he was talking to her but not only that they were laughing and joking with each other.  Stu had gone downstairs and was talking to his Mom when they both heard the laughing and looked at each other, "seems like it’s going well" his Mom said  "I’ll go up in 10 minutes or so" said Stu "you’re a good lad" said his Mom giving him a motherly hug.  "Mom" Stu said "I need to talk to you but not now I’ll wait until Michael Hayley have gone" "okay son whenever you want to, do you need your dad as well" she queried? "No just you," "okay just let me know when you want to."

Stu eventually went back to his room, thinking seems stupid having to knock to go into my own room but he did and went in and seeing Michael and Hayley sitting on the floor together said "seems like you two are getting on okay?"  "Well yeah" Hayley said "but I’m going to have to go home" "I’d walk you there but at my speed it would probably take hours" Michael laughed.  "No need I’m okay, but when can I see you again" she asked "well it’s a little difficult for me as I’m not really mobile and have to rely on Mom and Dad for transport."  "Stu," Michael said, "can we meet up here just for the moment" he asked, "yeah" said Stu "but I don’t want you two cramping my style so not for too long."  "Okay then how about Sunday?" "that should be okay" Hayley said "here’s my number ring me when you get here and I’ll come over."  With that they got up she kissed Michael on the cheek "see you soon."  Stu took her down stairs and at the door she gave him a big hug saying" thank you Stu you’ve made my day," she then turned and said "see ya."

Michael was on his way down stairs and noticed the hug so jokingly said "you’re not making a move on my date are you he said grinning," "no" said Stu "that was just Hayley thanking me for setting you two up that’s all" he said being a little embarrassed that Michael had seen the hug.  "That’s okay I need to thank you as well I couldn’t have done it without you I was just so tongue tied when I’m near her, but as I’ve found out I shouldn’t have been and this wouldn’t have been possible without you, you’re not only a really good friend, I’m so pleased to have you as my best friend and I mean that." "Get the hell out of here!" Stu remarked proudly "you’re mine too and some day the favour will be returned," "you bet it wil"l said Michael and they went outside to wait for Michael’s Mom who was picking him up.  While they were waiting outside Stu turned to Michael and said "we really need to talk about what happened when you called out to me that day." "I know" said Michael "but here’s my Mom so it will have to wait for now" they hugged and off Michael went.

Stu went back in his head still full of what they had talked about and still confused about it all, did all of this really happen he was thinking.  "You’re really deep in thought Stuart", it was his Mom.  "Can I talk to you Mom like now," "okay son what is it?"  They settled down in the lounge and Stu started "can I just tell you and please don’t interrupt until I’m finished" "okay son off you go and get this off your chest."  Stu then told his Mom the full story of what had happened.  "Wow" his Mom said "that’s quite a lot you have hidden from us and done so well so far to cope with all that’s happened.  When you mentioned it earlier I wanted to talk to you then and there, but there was so much going on I thought I would wait until you mentioned it again.  You see Stuart this has happened to me as well to some extent," Stu looked quizzically at his Mom, but she continued "this may sound silly to you but my side of the family are really strong spiritualists and we do have occasional connections to those who are beyond our world" "you mean the dead or God?" said Stu "yes and more and I think that some of that is in your blood but not only that and I haven’t felt something like this for a long time it’s in Michael as well.  I’ve always felt that in him since you became friends, but it’s really strong in him now I could feel it as soon as he came in."  "What is it?" Stu said, "it’s nothing bad in fact it’s the complete opposite there seems to be something within him that’s really special don’t ask me what it is I don’t know.  For some reason and I don’t know why these spiritual feelings are generally always within the women of the family and I can sense if they have it when I meet people.  There’s not that many people who have it around here but there are one or two that do but it’s extremely strong in Michael."  "Who are they?" asked Stu, "that son I’m not going to tell you as you will look at them so differently and may change your opinions of them and that will not only hurt them it will hurt you, but it looks as though you have it although maybe only in a small part of you it’s there all the same."  "You mean I should be able to sense these things?" "yes maybe but only if the other people open up to you like Michael did with you.  What you must not do is pursue it too deeply," "but I’ve already said to Michael that I need to talk about it", "yes I can understand that, but whatever you do don’t go to deep, but I know that you will know when to stop."  "Thanks Mom, but I’m not sure if that’s really helped or not," Stuart the fact that you now know will make you a better person and you will understand it, it may be slow but you will recognize it."

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