Chapter 2

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Michael had, had just about enough of his sister that day.  Normally her teasing he could cope with and dismiss it as childish but this time she had gone way too far and struck at the very root of his problem with Hayley.  Yes he knew he had a problem with talking to Hayley he didn’t need his little sister finding out about his crush and to wind him up on his inability to talk to her.  The ensuing argument had broken out into full battle mode something that had only happened once before and the resulting fight that time wasn’t pleasant as both Mom and Dad had to separate them and deal with the various cuts and bruises they had inflicted on each other.   He knew that the only thing he could do was to get out of the house and try to cool down for he didn’t want to hurt his sister he loved her too much for that to happen again. He knew full well that on his return that Mom and Dad would be waiting for him to explain what had gone on.

In the mean time he was out of the way and he was beginning to calm down, but what he really needed was the company of friends, those that knew him well and that were close to him.  He knew that there was only one person that he could rely on and that was Stuart.  Stu and Michael had been lifelong friends through thick and thin he really needed his company and needed it right now.  He stopped and got of his bike to text him, but then realised he had unconsciously ridden half way to Stu’s house without thinking.  Five minutes and I’ll be there, so back onto his bike and off he went.  Strangely enough Stu was just in the process of getting his bike out of the garage when Michael arrived.  "Hi Mike" shouted Stu on seeing him pull up I was just about to come over   "I don’t no know how you do it" Stu responded Michael "you always seem to know when I need you".  "That’s easy" said Stu "we’ve known each other long enough to know each other’s thoughts".  "Come on" said Michael "lets ride", "where too?" said Stu, "just follow me" said Michael "and try and keep up."

Within 15 minutes they were out into the countryside when Michael beckoned to Stu to a spot about 50 yards away and they both pulled over.  It was a peaceful spot that Michael tended to go to when he needed to think and he really needed to talk to Stu about what had happened that morning and also about Hayley.  After informing Stu of what had transpired between him and Jane Stu could only say one thing phew!! I think you did the right thing man, get out of the house, good decision.  "I remember the fight you had with Jane last time it was a little too brutal, too much blood and bruises for me, don’t forget I came around just after you two had battled you were both in a state I can tell you."  "I just didn’t want that to happen again she’s my sister and I really do love her to bits" said Michael "and I’m much bigger and stronger than I was last year I was too scared to stay I was so angry with her I was afraid that if I had stayed it would have come to blows and I didn’t want to hurt her."  "How do feel now" said Stu, "much calmer said Michael now that I’ve talked to someone who understands me."

"Okay then without us two getting into a fight" winking at Michael, "what are you going to do about this almighty crush you have on Hayley?"  "I just don’t know every time I see her and I want to talk to her but just can’t I clam up". "Oh you got it real bad for her haven’t you" said Stu cheekily, "yes I have" responded Michael.  "Then this should be easy, you do know she likes you don’t you?" "No I had no idea" said Michael "I’ll just have to get you together so that you both have to talk to each other. Leave it to me I’ll play Cupid for you that’s what friends are for" he said laughing.   "I’ll fix it and you’ll be with the girl of your dreams within a week".  "If you can do this for me you’re a real pal and I’ll owe you big time and I’ll repay it even if it takes the rest of my life to do it".  "No worries" said Stu knowing that Michael always kept his word.  They then spent the next hour or so laughing and joking about what had happened at school the previous week before Michael said that he had better get back and face the music from Mom Dad and Sis.  Stu knew things would be alright when Michael got home as he had now had time to chill and was upbeat about Hayley.  Stu now had to plan to get Michael and Hayley together.

The Gift (Edited)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن