Chapter 3

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Michael was right both Mom and Dad were waiting for him.  Jane had been told to go to her aunt’s house a block away and stay there until she was told to come back.  Jane did as she was told without any argument.  For her part she had realised what she had done she had overstepped the mark teasing Michael and had never seen him so angry with her and she was frightened that they would fight again and be hurt.  No, she didn’t want that, he was much bigger and stronger now and fear was upon her.  It was with great relief when he stormed out of the house.  She had always looked up to him and he was always there for her no matter what and now she had hurt him deeply, would he ever forgive her, she hoped so as she loved him dearly.

Judge and jury were waiting for him when he walked in sitting either side of the fireside and were waiting for his explanation of what had happened.  "Well Michael" said Mom "what was it between you and Jane that caused that ruckus before you stormed off."  Michael then proceeded to tell his side of the story and why he had stormed off.  Satisfied that what they had heard from both of them was true Michael ended up with just a short lecture off his parents about his temper and that he should give his sister a little more leeway being younger than him and not fully understanding how much she had hurt him.  Dad told Michael that Jane now realised and fully understood what she had done.  Michael asked where Jane was and was told she had been sent to her aunt’s house not knowing if you had cooled down.  Mom asked Michael "where did you go son" and he said he had gone to see Stu.  We should have known that’s where you had gone, "am I that predictable" said Michael "yes you are son" said Dad "we have always known if there’s something you can’t talk to us about its Stu you go to there’s quite a strong bond between you two and we’re pleased that you have someone like that you can confide in and trust."

Michael still having a little unused energy decided to go out again on his bike and having the air cleared he felt pretty good and said he would talk to Jane when he got back. "Okay son" said Dad "enjoy your ride."  Michael soon set off and felt that he had so much energy left he decided to see if he could break his record for riding around town.  It didn’t take him long to get up to top speed and was literally flying around his circuit of town and was really enjoying himself being free and looking forward  to seeing Hayley, Stu said it would be easy, but how on earth is he going to set his up he wondered.  He’ll find a way he’s good at that he thought he’ll do it.  Looking at his watch he thought I’m going to smash my record by a long time just a couple of blocks to go let’s really go for it!!  That wasn’t to be however as he came around the last bend towards home a truck had pulled out in front of him.  Braking he thought Crap!! I’ve nowhere to go I’m dead he thought and ended up swerving and slamming headlong into some mail boxes.

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