Chapter 9

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Saturday couldn’t come quickly enough for Stu he needed to see his friend but felt uneasy about those thoughts that came to him that day, did I imagine it?, it was so real to him and if it was real what or who was that with Michael, he had to talk to Mom and Dad about it.  He waited until after breakfast and told them his story in full of those events.  It was Dad who broke the silence, "I think son it’s probably because you are anxious about Michael and your thoughts are a little confused that’s all", Mom just smiled.   It wasn’t until Dad went out that Stu’s Mom finally spoke to him about it, "is that really what happened" she said. "Yes Mom, at least that was the way it felt to me", "strange things do happen in life Stuart and this might be one of them, but Dad could be right try not to think about it too much but tell me if anything like this happens again".  She then immediately changed the subject to what was Stu’s plans for the next couple of hours before the Lawton’s called for him, he just shrugged his shoulders and said I think I’ll just have a walk, don’t be too long the Lawton’s will be picking you up at 2.00pm and I want you have lunch before you go, okay Mom I’ll be back by 12.30 and off he went.

Stu left and wandered aimlessly deep in thought about seeing Michael wondering what lay ahead for the visit.  He was suddenly brought back to reality when someone tapped him on the shoulder "Hi Stu", it was Hayley.  "What’s on your mind Stu you look a little glum today" she said smiling at him.  Stu then told Hayley about the events that had happened over the last couple of days and that he was going to see Michael that afternoon.  She smiled and kissed him on the cheek "you worry so much about him and you’re all mixed up inside that’s what it’ll be" she said.  "You could be right but I’m more concerned about what to say and do when I see him later" mumbled Stu. "There’s nothing special that you should do, just be yourself you known him since you were born practically and if you are really stuck don’t forget your promise of getting us together" she smiled.  He chuckled "I’d almost forgotten about that" looking at her glowering at him, "don’t you dare forget Stuart I’d never forgive you" she said sternly, which made him laugh even more, "I don’t think I would dare not now you’d probably kill me" he grinned.  Her smile immediately returned and gave him a hug, "let me know how it goes later?" "Okay" Stu said "as soon as I can", he was left to continue with his walk and his thoughts before returning home.

Lunch over Stu went to his room to listen to some music while he waited for the Lawton’s to pick him up.  He walked into his room and stopped, looked around and thought my god it looks as though there’s been a nuclear war in here what a mess.  Mom was right his room was in a state and he proceeded to do something he rarely did and that was to tidy it up.  Michael came to his mind and Stu laughed to himself saying if Michael could see me now he wouldn’t believe it, he never tied his room until it was the threat from his Mom of withdrawing his allowance that would provoke him to do it normally, but here he was doing it voluntarily there must be something wrong with me today he thought.   

1.30 pm he decided to get ready just in case the Lawton’s came early Mom and Dad looked at him when he came down and it was almost a duet from them saying you’re going like that?? Yes he replied it’s what Michael would expect, they both shook their heads but didn’t take it any further.  What’s wrong with wearing my favourite raggy denims, baggy t-shirt and baseball cap It’s what I always wear when I’m with Michael he said.

2.00pm prompt the Lawton’s arrived and Stu hopped into the back with Jane and the conversation was all about Michael.  Mr Lawton told Stu that Michael had a bad day recently the doctors seemed to think that had given up at one point, all of his vital signs dropped dramatically for a while, but stabilised after a while.  "When was that Stu asked," "it was the day we came to see you actually, but he seemed to back to the way he was when we went in to see him later why do you ask" queried Mr Lawton.  "Oh no reason," he wasn’t going to start explaining what happened they would think he was mad.  On the journey through he was told what to expect when he saw Michael and not to be too concerned about the equipment he was attached to, "okay I’ll try to remember that" he said.  They arrived at the hospital went to see Michael.  Stu stayed with Jane as they were only allowing 2 visitors per patient.  He turned to Jane and asked "how are you coping with all of this it’s got to be tough for you."  She turned and looked him barely holding back her tears "it’s so hard Stu I keep thinking the longer he’s like this then the more remote the chance of getting him back, they’ve tried just about everything and it’s either made him worse or made no difference and I miss him so much."  Stu put his arm around Jane and said "he’ll come back I know he will he’s just being stubborn as usual and wants to make some sort of dramatic return knowing him." "I hope it’s soon as this is killing me I’ve never cried so much" replied Jane.  Mr and Mrs Lawton came out and Jane immediately asked how is he? "He’s just the same no change, but we need to have a word with the doctors so you two can go and see him" said Jane’s Mom are you okay with that Stuart, he nodded.

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