Chapter Three

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  I'm eating a snack when suddenly I heard a loud noise outside. It was the moving truck. There was also Jacob, who had just come from his hotel after being bused there. I wasn't that nervous, I mean, would he really flirt with his parents around? I configure the idea to go outside and chill cause the weather was so nice ya know. As I look at the window, I notice Jacob disappeared while I was thinking about going to see him. KNOCK-KNOCK. There was a knock at the door. I freeze. I start walking over and open the door. He wasn't much taller than me, and had blonde hair that was like every other Viner. His hair was wet like he was just swimming. He stood in swim trunks that were orange with palm trees on them. He had no shirt on and had a cross necklace hanging around his neck. He stood with his hands on his hips. He looked my age, 17 ish. He caught me looking him over and smirked. "Hey I'm Jacob's cousin. I'm 14. My name's Blake. I'm moving in across the street, #SartoriusDomination!" 'Did he really just say that.'

"Oh so you're moving in across the street? Cool. But, that house isn't even for sale." I say.

"Relatives. They are giving us the house cause they are moving to Florida for retirement." He replys. I reply with 'oh awesome' and he continues on with why he brought his butt over here. "So, I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner." to be honest, Jacob's cousin was way cuter. I accept the offer. "Fantastic! Come over at like 4:30 so we have time to talk." I text my mom where I will be at around 4:30 and later. She would be at work till 11:00 at night and so would dad. "Oh, so can I get your number? Ya know, just in case."

I chuckle, "Sure, your cousin has it." I say, "Just ask him. See Ya Later!" and he yells 'See ya later' and goes into his new house and unpacks boxes. It was 3:04 right now, and I wanted my outfit to be ready. I pull out a sweatshirt with the words Kale across the front and put on some showy denim shorts. I put a touch of makeup on. And walk out the door for some spring loving to bloom.

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