Chapter Two

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We walk down the hall and he keeps glancing at me. It was a day 4 and I had World Languages first. It was located upstairs and was my farthest class away. I trotted up the stairs as he tried to catch up to me. It was quite awkward. One of us needed to break the silence. "So you're new here." He chuckles to what I said.
"Yeah, just moved onto Oakerman Lane." He says.
"Oakerman Lane? Haha, cool." I tense cause that's my street, and there's a for-sale house next to mine. On the other side of my house, is an small cute house with a family with younger kids that I babysit.
"Yeah, I saw you walk out of the house next to mine when we drove up and dropped off some stuff. We are staying in the hotel in the city." He says.
"Niccccccce..." I say, nervously rolling the C in nice. 'How could I not notice a person moving in next door. Oh yeah, I was in New York visiting a few fans.' We arrive and I sit down in the back of the class. He sits next to me. A note pad sits on the front of the desk. He looks at it, then turns to me and asks for a pen and I give him one. He scribbles on the pad then rips off a sheet. Jacob folds the note. He places the note in the middle of his desk, glances at me, and class started.
At the end of class, he takes the note and we move to the next classes. The last bell of the day rings, and we leave our last class. His locker is next to mine, and we collect our things and go. I pack up and start to walk away, when a hand grabs my wrist and puts something in the palm if my hand. The note. I smile a fake smile and walk away. I get on my bus and wait for all the students to board the bus. There aren't that many kids on my bus, so there's enough for a all one seaters and a few two seaters. Jacob boards the bus and sits in the seat across from me. 'Great, couldn't get anymore fricken awkward. Well I guess time to make it even more awkward...' I pull out the note and read it. He keeps glancing at me, looking for a reaction. I try to keep a blank face. It had a number and his name scribbled on it.

"Hope you have an iPhone, iPhones are the best, so we can FaceTime and iMessage! My number is ***-***-****."

I whip out my phone, my iPhone, and open the contacts app. I put his contact information.

Notes: That kid who stares at ya

He looks at me, and says "Text it. Then I'll have your number."
"I don't think I want you to have my number." I say jokingly and laughing. I shoot him a quick text of saying "Ok there." And we were at my bus stop. I trot off the bus and he yells out the window.
"See ya, Mya!"
And he winks.

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