Chapter One

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It all started when I looked smirkily at him during homeroom. It was just a glance, not much to swoon and stare over. But he continued to look at me with squinty eyes. Some would call him hot, but not me. I'll just call him cute. Dimpley red cheeks, looking lightly brushed with a touch of blush. Blue some-what dreamy eyes, I guess. You could tell he was pretty popular. Girls seemed to swoon. He still continued to examine me from a few desks over. When I caught his staring and stared back, he winked. My brain freaked and my heart rushed. Thank god the teacher, Mrs. Williams, saved me from that scary moment and bellowed. "Hello class, today we have a kid named Ro-" She was cut off by a squeak-puberty effected 15 year old boy voice saying:
"Jacob. It's-um-Jacob." Said Jacob, practically yelling over the teacher.
"Ah, yes. Going by a nickname right away, haha. Good choice." She chuckles and Jacob turns red, then the teacher continues on. "So. As I was saying, Rol-Jacob will be shadowing a child in this class for two days to show him around and then we will have him set up. He will choose the person he wants to shadow."
I looked out the window to the courtyard, where spring is in bloom. I turn back to the front of the class where the teacher is talking with Jacob about what goes on with the periods and everything he would need to know shadowing someone. I hear her then say a few names, including mine, but mine being the only girl name. He looks up at me from his paper, not moving his head, only his deep eyes that stared into my soul. A chill went down my spine. That's when Mrs. Williams backs up and stands in the front of the class and says "Ok, so Jacob made his decision I guess and so Jacob, who will you be shadowing?"
My body tenses when he stands up and stares at me from across the black-top desks that look like chalkboards. "Mya Motar. I will be shadowing Mya Motar." He said with a cheeky smile.
   'I'm going to kill him. Like I'm actually going to kill him. I should just walk up there and smack him. I should do it. I am going mad. Mad for him? No. Heck no! I'm not falling for him. I'm not going to be another girl who falls into his Viner boy cuteness trap.'
   I must have looked shaken or something cause that's when the teacher asks"Miss. Motar, are you ok?" Which snapped me out of my mad thoughts.
   "I'm fine, and so Jacob-uh-I accept I guess." I stammer. Girls give me evil eyes and sneers. 'Yeah ladies, it's my fault the supposed "hot" kid chose me, big whoop. There's plenty other Viners out there, calm your emotions.'
   "Great! I'm printing your schedule now!" Mrs. Williams exclaims as she walks to the printer and pulls out the fresh sheet of paper that will go to the kid of girl dreams. Jacob.

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