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Irwin's P.O.V 


The Night Before

"Alright, send me the address. We're on the way there now mate." I texted Luke back, which he quickly responded back with the address to the frat house.

As we arrived, I paid the cab driver $20 - including tip. All of us piled out of the yellow car towards a big white house where red solo cups were scattered across the front lawn as well as some teenage guy, who laid lifelessly next to a pink flamingo that he wrapped his right arm around. Two girls stood towards the side of the house, one viciously throwing up into the what used to be a pretty yellowed flowered bush, but now a stain brown mush. The music blared out profanities and an uptempo beat loudly, as it echoed down the streets. There were people were mingling around the front yard, and fortunately for us, the party seemed like it wasn't going to end, or well at least any time soon. Or possibly never at the looks of it.

"Woo!" Alfie screamed with excitement, popping open the alcohol bottle before taking a long swig. He squeezed his eyes shut as it burned his throat before passing it around towards us. After, we all entered the wild party - not knowing what was going to happened in less than a few hours.

My right arm seemingly found it's spot around Bryana's small waist as we squeezed through many people who were already drunk off their fucking arses. "Ashton! My fucking man! You made it mate!" Michael fist fucked the air, as Calum threw his right arm around my shoulder. They both winked towards Bryana who only responded with a sweet yet sexy smile.

"Wassup," I nodded towards my two drunk band mates, well one more than the other. "Where's the drinks?"

"Nah man, you don't need the shit they got here. Their shit is lame mate. Drink this," Calum shoved a red solo cup into my left hand after he pulled away from my shoulder. "Some guy bought this shit before he left and trust me mate, this shit will get you fucked up. I honestly don't even know how fucked up I am right now, but I just know that I'm really fucked. Like shit fucked. Shit, I don't even know if I can make it alive to practice tomorrow."

I raised my brow, how many times was he going to say shit in one sentence? "You're so fucking stupid Cal. How long were you guys here for?"

"Just got 'ere like 5 minutes before you came." Michael noted, slapping Calum on the shoulder. "He got fucked up within a minute he got here."

I sighed, "Don't let Cal drink for the rest of the night then, unless you fuck tits want to end up in the E.R."

Calum flicked me off as Michael responded before they both walked off towards the dancing area, "Gotcha. Anyway, I'm gonna go get my groove on. C'mon Cal."

"Fuck off Ahston, the only time I'll be in the E.R is for being too handsome that they can't handle it anymore." Claim yelled as Michael dragged him away.

"Wow," Bryana turned facing me with an amused facial expression. "I didn't know that you guys drank that much." She laughed, her teeth shinning bright.

Shrugging, I chuckled back. "Sort of. We drink beer more than this though." I glanced at the cup Calum handed me, "What do you think this is?"

"Could be anything at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if there's drugs mixed in it; considering this is a frat party. People like to fuck people up."

"You know what? Mind as well take advantage of it, right?" I smirked taking a few chugs before handing it to Bryana who glanced at it for a second before doing the same. "Where did Darcy and Alfie go?" I looked around for the love birds, but to my dismay, I didn't see any sight of them.

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