Chapter 12: Just next door

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A/N: I would like to dedicate this chapter to @Tonioverthetop. I like her book, 'Complete Me'. It's a Niall Horan fan fiction. The sarcasm she uses are hilarious. So do read them! :)

It was the second day of school. And it has been the third day that I had not heard anything from Niall. I had been checking his Twitter all the time. Not like I never did that before but this time, I kept my phone with me every time. It never leaves my side at all.

I do not know if I should hold on to the friendship we had or just leave him alone so that he's happy and will not have to think about the incident where he thought he was fooled. It was never my intention. 

The moment that I most wanted finally became a reality. But, reality always had it hard on me.

"Cece!" I was snapped out from my thoughts as Claire and Aideen approached me. Yes, I was eating alone initially. It's been already a norm to me.

"Oh, hey!" I forced a smile although deep inside I was feeling horrible.

I never need to have the emotional labour back at my own school since people there treated me like shit. I just thought that the people here were different. They were really nice. Alright, nice was not really the only word. They are affectionate, loving, cheery and the list goes on and on. 

Nevertheless, I would still have my walls keep up high from the people so that they will not break it down mercilessly. I do not want to go through disappointments again although it's inevitable.

I had enough.

"So, where's Ryan?" Claire asked curiously looking around. Looking at the way she acted, she was really hoping to find Ryan.

"Oh, he's with Tim. Why?" I wriggle my eyebrows at her.

Aideen almost said something until Claire interrupted.


Claire gave Aideen the don't-tell-her face look. 

Hmm, there's something fishy.

"Come on. Tell me what were you trying to say?" I moved closer to Aideen as Claire looked anxious.

"Alright, I'll tell you but promise me that you won't tell anyone?" Claire finally surrendered. I grinned and let out my pinky.

"Well, I actually, sort of, erm kind of-"

"Like him?" I blurted the words out as I had figured out what she was trying to say.

"Shh! Keep it down!" She instantly became panicked.

Aha! That was not too hard to notice.

She was always different around Ryan. He told me that they have known each other since the first grade and became rather close since then.

Wow, it reminds of those stories that I read somewhere that in the end, they would be together. But, who would not fall for Ryan with his good looks and had a certain je ne sais quoi. It seems that Claire doesn't dare to confess to Ryan and I hope she will one day. But I wonder if Ryan has any feelings for her too.

After all those talks with the girls, we decided to stay overnight at Aideen's house on Friday, which is tomorrow to spend more time together. I hesitated at first since I had not been sleeping at a friend's house before.

Alright, it's not like I even have friends back at home. Then, I realised that they were really sincere and so I just agreed.


It was the last lesson of the day, everyone was rushing to get out of the classroom as soon as possible except Ryan and I.

"So, going to your house or mine?" Ryan asked.

Erm, what does that even mean? 

I gave him a perplexed expression.

"Have you forgotten? We should do the assignment given by Ms Barry?"

Oh. I thought he wanted to-

"Are you thinking about something else?" He raised his eyebrows up and down repeatedly.

I rolled my eyes and punched him on his arm. 

"Ow! It hurts," he pouted.

"Alright, I don't mind doing the assignment anywhere."

"If that's the case, let's go to the house of a best friend of mine!" He cheered.

"Why would we?"

Really, why would we do an assignment at someone's house who I do not even know. That person could be a creeper or something. Or, I'd be there like a lamp post between them as they joke around and all.

"He writes songs and I thought we could get a little help from him," he explained.

I stood there for a while, little bit uncertain. But somehow, I finally nodded in agreement.

As we walked on the way to his best friend's house, we joked around a little. I got to know him more but I whenever he asked things about me, I didn't tell him the whole story. It'll sound pathetic.

"Aren't you embarrassed being friends with me?"

The question suddenly popped out in my head. I realised that he didn't even hesitate to make friends with me and didn't even resist to have a buddy that was a plus size like me.

"Not at all. Why would I?"

"Um, nothing,"

"I know we've just met but, if you ever need a listening ear, I'll be here. What friends are for right?" he smiled after saying that. 

The last sentence rang in my head.

What friends are for right?

It reminds me of Kate. Well, seems like I never knew what friends were for.

"We're here!" Ryan exclaimed.

I was thinking too much to myself that I didn't realise where we were.

I refuse to believe but we're actually right here. 

We're actually in front of Niall Horan's house.

His best friend was Niall and we were going to be in his house.

It means that things will be really tense between me and him. What happened between us might get worst. Plus, I could not even envisage how he'll react.

I repeatedly swore in my head as I began to panic. I could not simply tell Ryan about me and Niall. He’ll probably think that I would be at fault too.

Shit, what should I do?

Ryan was about to knock on the door when it swung open. Right in front of us were Niall with a woman. She was literally sticking on Niall’s front. She was hugging him tightly but Niall doesn’t seem to hug her back.

Then, it hits me hard.

It’s Holly.

Niall realises our presence and pushed Holly away. I couldn't really read his expression. There was a mixture of emotions. There's guilt, anger and sadness.

“Um, hi.” Niall greeted as if nothing happened.

Ryan seemed to be shocked as he stood rooted to the ground.

I pretended that I didn’t see anything as I looked somewhere else.

I know I don’t have the right to feel what I was feeling right now, but I couldn’t help to feel the pang of jealousy. I couldn’t stand there any longer by looking at both of them or my tears would fell hopelessly down my cheek.

“Ryan, I’m not feeling really well. I’ll go home first. You can come after you’re finish so we can discuss more,” I said without looking into anyone’s eye.

 “Um, but I don’t know where you stay,” Ryan grabbed my wrist before I leave.

 “Just next door.”

 And with that, I left.


 At the side, there's Niall GIF. It shows his expression after he pushes Holly away.

A/N: HELLO MY LOVELIES! Sorry that I took very long to update, again. I’ve been spending my time with family and friends, watching a variety show and all. It’s been a long week for me. Putting those aside, I realised that my previous chapter has lesser votes than my other chapters. It’s kind of disappointing though. Was the previous chapter that bad? :( I’m sorry for updating this late again and I hope you guys will love this chapter. Do comment to tell me what you think and vote if you Love it! Stay tune for the next chapter!

I appreciate every single one of your vote and comments. I really do. It’s a motivation for me to do more and more of the story. So, thank you guys! Love you!

Oh! And I'll dedicate my next few chapters to my loyal readers! There's quite a handful though :)

Lots of love and kisses! xxx 

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