Chapter 11: Should I?

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A/N: I’d like to dedicate this chapter to @SarahMars. I loveeee her story ‘Lose Yourself’. It is Zayn Malik fan fiction. The main character is a Muslim so there are a little bit of Islamic words. Just be open minded and read the story because the plot is awesome!

-Cece’s POV-

 “I am sorry! Niall! Don’t go! Please! Niall!” My body was shook hard as I was trying to chase after Niall.

Why is my body shaking?

“Cece? Cece, are you alright?” I finally opened my eyes to the motherly concerned voice. “Is there something wrong?” Mama asked still putting on the worried expression.

I realise that it was a dream. No, it was a nightmare.

“I dreamt that- that Niall-“

“What about him?” Mama asked again after she heard his name.

“He- he left me and it’s my fault,” I spoke weakly.

Mama wrapped me in her arms and said,”Shh, it’s ok. It was just a dream.”

Yes, Mama knew about the incident that happened two days ago when Niall knew that I lied. As soon as she came back home, Niall told her that he needs to leave urgently. That was when she saw that there was something wrong just by looking at him. There was anger and sadness.  She knew something was completely wrong when she came up to the room and saw me curled up into a ball without any emotions. After being asked by Mama for the umpteenth times, I absolutely could not take it anymore and poured everything that has been killing me silently to Mama.

What was left in me after every time I cried? Numb. It is when a person has experienced that feeling over and over again that she does not feel anything anymore. One word explains everything.

Back to reality, it was Wednesday and it will be my first day of school in Ireland. I could not care less about what would happen to me in school later on. I could not feel anything anymore.

 I just wore the simplest things that I brought here.  I put on a black knit sweater paired with mint skinny jeans and my white Converse. I also put on greyish beanie since it was pretty windy outside. Also, I could not forget my watch because I feel naked without it. You know the feeling?

I was punctual to school that day where Mr Keys waited for me in the hallway. “Everyone has assigned to a buddy and so do you,” he explained while I just stood there expressionless. “So, your buddy’s name is Ryan Arther. I hope you will enjoy studying here and do behave yourself,” he said.

Yes, right. Of course I will. I am a troublemaker and beat the sh** out of everyone. It’s not as if I am the quietest student and the most invincible student of all.

I scoffed and walked straight to the class that I was supposed to be in.

As soon as I walked in, everyone’s eyes were set on me. If I was the usual me, I would have get nervous and sweaty palms. But, like I said, I could not feel anything.

Some of the people in class are my schoolmates. The others might be in different classrooms then. The bell rang and I still have not found my seat yet. A woman, I assume to be a teacher, walked in. She wore glasses like every typical teacher does and a bit of a formal wear.

“Oh, you must be Cecelia Oleson, right?” She clarified. I just nodded and forced a smile. “I’m Ms Barry. Everyone has been expecting you. Would you like to introduce yourself to us?” She pulled on a gentle smile as she gestured me to move forward.

I took in a deep breath, “Well, err, hello. I’m Cecelia Oleson but you can call me Cece for short. I am here for an exchanged programme. Basically, there’s nothing much about me but, err ya.” That is how I introduce myself. It was always like that. Whenever someone asks something about me, I literally forget everything.

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